
Are the Masons considered a cult or bad influence?

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My husband is currently a mason, and has been for the past 2 years. I supported him when he wanted to do it because I am a supportive wife for my husband. Lately I feel like I made a mistake and that what hes doing is wrong and bad. He has lots of books and even a Holy Bible with the mason symbol on it. I am just worried that this and our marriage will be heading down a dark and dreary path. Does anyone know anything enough about the masons to help me out?




  1. you should really find out more about them.. then you will see that no they are not a cult or a bad influence..

  2. Find out more- there are usually social events where you can meet the wives of other members and you can talk to them.  

  3. I have no clue what john is talking about, but No Masonry is not a cult nor a bad influence, and is only considered such by those choosing to remain ignorant of the true scope and purpose of the fraternity.

    If there is something specifically causing you alarm or any questions you have, ask your husband about it, or feel free to contact me with any questions.

  4. for one thing the masons are not a cult, the pyramids are where the masons come from back from the early days of moses and how they made the pyramids without straw this is where the foundation is not in

    evil but in good its only covered in bad and scary things to discourage the faint of heart and those that can get past that are open to many things this is the way it works and becuase of supperstition and flat out lies and story telling the masons are slowly dieing out.

    and it hurts me to think that they are like the maji.

  5. Some Catholic and evangelical writers have attacked Masonry in print because they feel it to be universalist in its philosophy and therefore incompatible with their religion. I've read some of those books and articles, but I didn't really find them to be very convincing arguments. Aside from that point, though, the modern Mason seems to be no more prone to "darkness" than anyone else I know.  

  6. I am a Freemason and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    First though, you should talk to your husband about it. There is nothing in freemasonry that he should not be willing to discuss with you, also his Grand Lodge will have literature for wives of masons so you can request that as well.

    I assure you there is nothing in freemasonry that is against God. The symbol you speak of is the Square and Compasses, likely with a letter G in the middle. The Square is an emblem of morality and teaches us to treat each other properly in all our transactions, the compasses set a bounds of our actions so that we will not take any of the pleasure, vices or other actions of life to excess where they might cause us to act immorally and the G stands for God.

  7. No they're basically doing it for fun. Kinda like roleplaying like dungeons and dragons.

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