
Are the North Pole ice caps going to melt this summer?

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Is the North Pole melting this summer? I watched this news program but i don't remember what it's called...

There was this woman who was trying her hardest to hide what she was about to say... but it is guaranteed that the ice caps are almost all gone. You could tell by the expression on her face that she was very worried... especially because there are many military bases next to the oceans and they're asking people to allocate money to them. If you know the name of this program tell me so i could watch it again on youtube. Again, what are the chances?




  1. Most likely, so what. Enjoy each day Let others panic each day.

  2. I say it is inevitable and we are all doomed. good luck to ya when the world comes to an end.

  3. dont be daft

  4. have you ever heard of the proverbial "needle in a haystack"? i wont say it is 100% not going to happen (some higher power would hit them with a big metiorite just to spite me) but dont worry about it this summer, NEXT summer though...

  5. who cares we just need for people to dig oil d**n it =] so gas prices are lower

  6. No i don't think the ice caps are going to completely melt away this summer.

    Yes. They will melt away some more but not completely.

    And sorry i don't know the name of it

  7. who cares just live life

  8. Well, some say it's a 50-50 chance of it melting this summer (08)

    and I have been watching web cams on the north pole, so can you. They say the sea level will change ALOT, but my mother has a house on the bay of pensacola, Florida and she is not seen a drastic change like everyone is talking about.

    The north pole has been melting for years and years.... I might be wrong but I think there is not a thing to freek out about.  we have been melting since the ice age, the earth is just doing it's thing...

    google WEBCAMS on the north pole and see for your self or look at the link I'm watching.

  9. No.  Even if we stood at the pace of global warming it would still take a long time before they would actually melt.

  10. well i was just watching the history chanel and they said that in 100 more years the north and south pole will melt.

  11. No, they will probably melt in 10-15 years but depending on how bad global warming gets it might be sooner, but not that soon.

    So, you can relax for a while! : )

  12. No, but I HAVE heard that the northern polar ice cap in the Arctic Ocean might melt completely by the summer of 2015.

    But that's only what I've heard...we'll find out soon enough, won't we?

  13. Yes they are, hope you learn how to swim this summer!

  14. hi i love cold weather very much. it keep black and arab out. they dont like cold.

  15. In science class, they told us that the average global temperature as risen one degree since 1900. The climate waxes and wains naturally. Global warming isn't as bad as the media makes it out to be. Another factor beyond our control is the aging of the sun. It is important to plant trees to replenish the oxygen in the atmosphere.

    The ice caps are getting less very gradually, but they aren't going away anytime soon.

  16. hopefully they do, i love that polar springs water.

  17. You have quite an imagination, little girl. Would you believe it if I told you That Santa Clause & Jimmy Hoffa got Married and live on Mars?

  18. no thats a bunch of BS there are millions of ice glaciers....but thats like a lie remember when they sais about the 2000

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