
Are the Obama supporters hurting Obama with all the nasty rumors and attacks?

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On Sarah's family, it is truly disgusting, I don't support Obama , but this I don't think Obama would stand for , as he already has stated, the kids are not to be involved!

Obama has 2 beautiful girls, and anyone who smears any kids of the Presidential candidates, as what they have said about Sarah kids, is a total low life!

So let's respect the kids, As I am sure Obama would totally want!

Anything else said, will just reflect badly on Obama!




  1. I guess some people that choose to make this a political issue really don't see that they can damage their own candidate, that is a pretty foolish can take a person that is on the fence and after they see all of the vicious attacks on a 17 year old kid that could push them away from a party that is able to be so cruel. Look what some of Obama's supporters did to some of Clinton's supporters, they pushed them away from Obama.

  2. I think it's fair game to a certain degree as it would reflect on the parenting skills of Sarah Palin.

    And pleassseeee, if things like that actually reflect badly on the Candidates I wouldn't have had to listen to secret muslim terrorist this, Hussein that. Messiah, blah blah blah. Oh noes! He's not wearing a lapel pin! We're all going to die! Ruuuunnn!!!!!

  3. Please, if Senator Obama is a Muslim, then this juicy story is the biggest thing in the history of the planet - and absolute fair game!

  4. Again, when McCain/Palin supporters stop refering to Obama in a perjorative manner...then you might see some of us pull back from refering to McCain/Palin in kind.

  5. of course, they look more than members of the former ussr tha americans...i don´t even think they represent the democratic party

  6. All you Dems are not too smart. You trashing a little girl and a baby with downs syndrome really makes us want to join you and help elect Obama?? I think not. Obama may say he doesn't support the attacks but you can count on the fact that he is glad that he has people to do it for him so he doesn't get his hands dirty.

  7. To attack children in any way is bullying pure and simple.  I wouldn't vote for Obama but I would never say anything negative about his adorable girls.   There is a mental problem when a person does that.  Law enforcement should put a stop to it.

  8. yep,

    But please keep it up.

    It is the best thing that could be done or McCain and Palin.

    yeeee haaaa

  9.   If you are going by YA posters keep in mind they are infested with preteens and trollers(as if there is any difference).

    Obama has stated this will be a non issue as it should be.

    YA is the bottom of a garbage can.

      I support Obama and 100% believe this is no ones buisness.

  10. Absolutely true.

  11. Here is a an answer and a question.

    First the rumors and nasty attacks.  Guess what.  That politics.  The McCain supporters are just as bad about saying Obama is a Muslim, etc, etc

    And as far as the Gov Palin situation.   What business of any ones if her 17 year old got pregnant?  How does it affect you and your household?  Is her daughter coming over and inviting yours out to have 3 way s*x with her?  If I had to guess I'd say she isn't.  

    Even in politics, everyone needs to sweep their own porches and clean the skeletons out of their own closets before they start commenting about the dust on their neighbors porch and the skeletons that got thrown out of their closets.

  12. I think you are right.  Obama is far too shrewd to want a mudslinging festival.  You never know who will get the most mud tossed on them.

  13. First of all, what I say or think does not reflect on Sen Obama in any way.  He is not any relation to me, nor is he my friend.  I don't think anyone is attacking Gov Palin's family, just Gov Palin and the rest of the Conservative hypocrites!  Many of us have known for a long time that things happen sometimes and people make mistakes, but not Conservatives/Republicans.  Their fall is so much harder, because as one poster said, they place themselves so high on that moral pedistal, that when they fall, it hurts that much worse.  I would never say anything to smear a 17 yr old child, but her mom (a politician) is fair game honey!  What's good for the goose.......

  14. Obama was born to an unwed 17 year old mother does that means he was sluttty as you refer to bristol huh  

  15. Yup, it reflects on those that do it and who stands to gain?

  16. It just shows some people's intelligence and maturity level. Which is quite low and nasty. Sad thing is, while they attack this young girl they seem to be ignorant of the fact that Obama was born to an unwed 17 year old mother.

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