
Are the Oklahoma City owners stupid? You can name your team anything but you want to be called Wind or Thunder

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They would already be a laughing stock without the corny name that can't be pluralized. Seriously, if they choose Bison, I'll lose it. I mean the Utah Jazz are laughing their asses off right now.




  1. I like the point..powerful

    I can see an awesome huge jagged bolt of lightening as a logo.

    Can you imagine the cool introduction of the players before the start of the game.........awesome, intimidating sounds of thunder.

    Chicago Bulls Fan.....

  2. I do agree that it's absolutely ridiculous, why not just name them the Hippos?

  3. lol wtf the thunder imagine sports centre "the thunder looking to snap a 4 game losing streak"if i dident know better i would think its the wnba outlaws would be so awsome

  4. I think you are absoulutely rite. Wind? Thunder? how about TRASHERS!!! o wait, this is men sorry! These names are g*y and i hope durant is not remembered as being a star on one of these crappy names. WHAT THE **** ? BISON??? In ice hockey the anehim mighty ducks will laugh THERE asses off if that happens!!! I mean, y dont they add like the BALLERZ to the list?? THIS IS SO CRAPPY!!! WHY CANT THEY KEEP THE SONICS, IT WAZ KEWL

  5. they should name them the oklahoma panhandles that wood be funne

  6. The Wind is some L*****n rock name.They might as well call the team the moon beams.

  7. Tornadoes and be done with it.

    Everyone who is from Oklahoma knows about the Marlow Outlaws football team. And there are no bison around OkC.

    Wind sounds like something like the Oklahoma Farts.

  8. They were choosing between earth thunder fire water wind etc get it? the elements...they must be into nature worship

  9. I feel bad for the players on that team, especially Durant. Can you imagine being the franchise player for a franchise named the wind? Poor dude.

  10. Thunder or Marshalls sound the best.

    I like Oklahoma City Thunder. I mean, we have the Miami Heat so what's wrong with Thunder?

  11. STORM.

    Oklahoma STORM...sounds really good

    Knicks play the Storm

    2nite on MSG

    The STORM visit the Rockets at the Toyota Center

  12. If they name it with bison, wind, or thunder, they would look like kids that play with power rangers.  Those names are really corny and their like wnba teams.  

    The wind would be the corniest.  

    I'd prefer the outlaws with a logo of a ball with a brown red bandana and mad eyes with knuckles and gun on its hands.

    would it be good??

  13. its like a middle school name


    Think about, a bunch of tall african american basketball players running back and forth with Bison written across their chest. Priceless. I hope they chose Bison.

  15. Sounds like they will be the Thunder. If they go with Wind, it'll be awesome!!!

  16. Well what do you think they should be called?

  17. Nah bison is wack but whats wrong with thunder?tornadoes or blizzards wulda ben dope

  18. They might as well name them dudes.  I could imagine the commentators now...

    "....and the Oklahoma City Dudes are in the lead."

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