
Are the Olympics Unfair?

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Does anyone else think the Olympics are extremely unfair, especially this year? I feel like they are judging in Chinas favor because the Olympics are over there. They just gave Nastia Liukin a score that just wasn't right through a bizarre process of scoring. How do you feel about this?




  1. I was watching with my mom (we both love the gymnastics because we're both gymnasts) and ours jaws dropped in unison when we saw those bogus rules.

    s***w the judges, Nastia's was WAY better.

  2. what?

    didn't you just hear the scoring explanation from NBC?

    they are suppose to throw away the highest and lowest scores from the 6 judges and if there's a tie they take the NEXT highest and throw it out

    so in the end china won because she had two 9.1's

    nastia got two 9.0's

    i was rooting for nastia too but it's not unfair it was a pre caution for any tie breakers in the future

    it wasn't made up on the spot

  3. Nastia was totally robbed.  There is a reason I don't compete in sports that are dependent on judges, because as was proven on the uneven bar competition . . . they are incompetent.  I shut the Olympics off as they were starting the medal ceremony for the Chinese.

  4. My friend, I feel Natsia got cheated out of Olympic gold medal again.

    Good luck

  5. yes i think they are very un fair

  6. The gymnast know it and everyone watching  sees it... the deduction are just not adding up at all.. its so fustrating.... this is ridiculus... the points are bull ****... the only thing natia luiken did was she didnt come up on a handstand but He Kexian did the same thing plus the -1/10 which means Natia should of been #1.... untill the second chineses girl that would of went... she should of one it  fair and square.. she didnt do nothing wrong... and the top 3 girls have the same difficulty start..... the chinese girl thats gonna win dosnt diserve it.....she sould of got bronze and its not fair.. like ridiculusly not fair!!

    everything always seems to favor china

    there finominal gymnast...... they should win when there old enough.. its stupid to cheat and lie bout age

  7. It's totally unfair; I don't want to attribute it to the fact that it's in China this year and all the Chinese seem to be doing well and getting good scores but the US is just as good and getting horrible scores. It's really not about one country or another; Nastia's highest and lowest scores were higher than the chinese girl's and the convoluted tiebreaker took away the next lowest score which happened to benefit the chinese girl.

  8. Oh my gosh!  THANK YOU!!!  Phew.  Good.  I'm not the only one seeing this.  

    This thing is driving me insane...

  9. After seeing the uneven bars and vault, I hate to say that no matter how well any other country does the chinese will always win. Not saying they are that good just that when the judges are for the home country your screwed. I hate China. Cheaters!!!

  10. Some of the commentators seem to feel that it is bc of the newer system of judging, where no judge from any country that has a gymnast in the competition can judge, but by that rationale, no judges from countries that have a strong program will be judging in the finals.  So all the judges are from like New Zealand or Peru, so don't really know all the finer points to look for, when it comes down to near-perfect performances.  I think that this is the issue, rather than the there is any cheating or corruption going on (except I do not believe that all those Chinese girls will be turning 16 this year!).

  11. I've had this same thought as well.  Although the Chinese have been impressive in most sports, at times I felt China was using its athletes as advertisements.  As if they wanted to show the world that yes, China is just as great, just as modern, just as good as the rest of the world.

    China seems to want to be more accepted as a westernized nation.  After the food scandals and other made-in-China scandals of the last few years, the government wants to cover up its failings.

    And what's up with so many of the Chinese athletes looking western?  Did many of them get forced plastic surgery?

    I heard that many of the athletes came from the poorer western states.  The parents weren't even sent to Beijing unless they could pay for the trip themselves.  What kind of thanks is that for giving all those training years to Mao?

    As for the gymnasts, the Chinese mini-girls did very well, but I thought Luikin deserved her golds.

    I'm sure the truth will come out in a few months, when China reverts to normal.

  12. the judges are selected by the IOC and to ensure fairness they are from countries where the athletes are not from. and there's about 7 judges.

    judging is based on style (what they performed) and the degree of difficulty. if i remember correctly it's averaging the judges' score and then multiplied by the degree of difficulty. so whatever the maths that turned out to be China first and US second in that event.

  13. The judges judging the competition have no affiliation with China so I don't think they are being unfair in that respect. The problem is not just with the Olympics either. I think the problem comes because of the subjective nature in the judging and it's only fueled on by the changes made in the scoring in Gymnastics. China has been doing well in a lot of other sports as well yet there is no accusations in those because they are not based on subjective judging. So I guess I'm saying that the Olympics are not any more unfair than that of any other competition that these people participate in.

  14. yeah b/c the judges were paoff by the chinesse goverment. it's not fair that fei cheng got first place even though she fell on her kness

  15. Just like the Olympics were extremely slanted in favor of the US when they were in Atlanta in 1996? In any event decided by judging, crowd response does affect the judges, whether they want it to or not. Which is why I almost threw up when Dominque Moceaneu did a floor routine with The Devil Went Down to Georgia, clearly pandering to the local crowd.

  16. I don't get the scoring system at all.

  17. Yes, it makes me really really really mad. Everyone loves the Chinese and its the stupidest thing ever. They're cheating! UGH it makes me SICK

  18. dang guys first off if nastia thought it was unfair they couldve said something but they didnt so they obviously believe it also the us is winning rite now not china  when the winter games are at canada next you will think  they are favoring the candians stupid people you act like you are 4 ah i lost he cheatedddddddd. Whinny people.

    Thanks for the points since you obviously wont vote for anyone not with your view

  19. The United States has won the most medals when the Olympics are in its territory. Maybe the judges cheated for them, too!

    Come on, now! Why not just be excited that there is some competition for a change! I think the judging is as fair as it can be.

  20. unfair!

  21. I have answered about 100000000 questions on the same thing already but thanks for the points

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