
Are the Phillipines considered a poor country?

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Are they like Russia type poor, Mexico type poor, or do they just not have the kinda money we do?




  1. i think both the countries you mentioned are better off than the philippines

  2. Sadly, the Philippines is not a Japan or a Singapore when it comes to financial wealth.

    We are, however, rich in natural resources, beaches, family and friends.  

    Thanks to the corrupt government officials of the Philippines, we are what we are!!!!

  3. To my knowledge, they started off as a well to do economy, that was 50 years ago when all the "Asian Tigers" hasn't been born yet. The Philippines is abundant in natural resources and food supply. They seems to live in a save haven. Then their government keep corrupting, while the people keep getting poorer and their church wouldn't remain separate from their state. Instilling false values such as the opposition to contraceptive and what not. Then slowly as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore emerge in the last few decades, the Philippines just kind of slip and fade from the competitive arena of Asia pacific. It is in a similar situation as Thailand (although Thailand is still better) The people are soft, gentle, and reconciliating, which makes the country prone to accepting corrupted people. Unlike other countries such as Malaysia, Singapore or Korea, where people as individuals are more selfish and rough in their manners--characteristic of the Chinese behaviours. They hang corrupted politicians and jail tricky businessmen. Those are the kind of things you need in order to build a successful economy.

  4. Poor and nothing to argue.

  5. Its like this........A very small percentage of the people, like about 1% or less, have or control all the money and wealth in The Philippines.  Those people are rich by any country's standards.  The remaining 99% of the people scrap and fight over the few pesos that are allowed to circulate in the general economy for them to share.  So, at first glance it appears that "everybody" is poor.  What you don't see are those filthy rich, stingy b******s who surround themselves with luxury and don't mingle with the commoners unless they are out buying votes.  (Thats to keep up the world image of a democracy) If the country's wealth were more evenly distributed, the standard of living would be about the same as Australia, France, Canada, etc.

  6. it is a third world country,wherein 70% of the population is wallowing in poverty.

  7. Yea I could consider the Philippines the country itself as a poor, but not all the people her are very poor but most likely around 70% are really poor, so as you've noticed that Filipinos are scattered around the world just to look for money and for greener pasture. It's not the fault of the common people but it's the fault of the government officials, everyday they are getting so richer and richer while the poor people gets poorer and poorer. Some people would do some criminals just to get some money to feed their families. If the government here in our country treats the people fairly then there wouldn't be a problem to it. I'm not saying that I put the blame on the government but on the other side they are part of what's happening in our country. They're putting a big wall between the poor and the rich, if they want our country to become progressive they must follow the rules and regulations but I guess they can't, they always step beyond the line. They don't even probe. And they feel they are so sublime, what the heck! Without thinking that the common people are the ones giving them money, wtihout us. They would be nothing!

  8. I was gonna give you a smart answer to this but guRl already said it better

  9. AHH cut the c**p guys lets face it we're poor not because we lack skills or that we are brain dead stupid or something but because politicians are so overly greedy and all they care is MONEY and personal interests.  SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUES YEAH WE"RE POOR and we consider Russia and mexico as Bill Gate's microsoft RICH! get the point?

  10. The Philippines is a third-world country.More than half of it's population is suffering from poverty. So I guess, you could say that Philippines is a poor country but I cannot compare how poor it is to Russia or Mexico.  

  11. well, yeah given that we are considered a 3rd world country - we may be financially poor but the philippines sure is rich in culture and naturally beautiful beaches and people :)

  12. my mom is from the philipines and her area is rich. her hometown in the philipines is bohol. yes, most parts of the philippines are poor but, some are rich. i have only been there once and i don't remember much, but my mom told me that there are some rich areas including bohol, and other ones too.

  13. it's like mexico poor.

  14. Third World Country

  15. Almost as being the poorest Asian country, the Philippines is very close.

  16. No, The Philippines isn't a poor country. The only thing that's making it poor is the corruption. The Philippines is now progressing and it is one of the Developing Countries in the world.

    The Philippines is also listed in the:

    Next Eleven Countries ( )

    Newly- Industrialised Countries (

    Emerging Markets (

    G of 20 Developing Countries ( )  

  17. Dont know about the kind of  Russia poor and the Mexico poor but most Filipinos are poor of financial things but rich in friends and spirit. Filipinos generally are extravagant, they like to have TV's and stereos, refrigerators things like that inside their homes. Even they skip one meal in a day as long as they have their TV's on, its ok.  

  18. it's a "poor "that is incomparable, a "rich" that is incomparable too.


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