
Are the Portuguese police corrupt?

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As the former investigating officer is now cashing in on his bogus allegations against the McCanns and Mr Murat, doesn't it raise questions about the the honesty let alone diligence of the police there?




  1. Good Policemen and bad Policemen in every country I suppose.

  2. Lots of people are cashing in on this one including the McCanns

  3. Could be corrupt but most likely just inept and lazy.

  4. Not just the Portuguese. I have worked and visited a lot of countries and seen corruption first hand. I agree it does raise questions. I'm afraid there will always be corruption with people in authority. Their handling of the McCann case was a fiasco. In the UK we have the best police force in the world. However, the West Midland Serious Crime Squad; had to be disbanded, It was corruption on a big scale. It's a good job there more good coppers than bad.

  5. same as ours i suppose, they know the guilty parties but don't have enough evidence to prosecute

  6. Around the world; do cops come any other way than bent?

  7. Only as much as the UK force....And your point is?

  8. No but the McCann case is and questions will have to be answered from the UK Police and when all the facts are exposed by those who dare, hopefully all will be revealed.

  9. There's corrupt and then there's the Mc Canns the two seem to go hand in glove. As for the police, no more no less than in any other country. The difference being if you get kicked out of the police force there your life is over. Here on the other hand you get a chance to resign and walk away with your pension intact.

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