
Are the RAF SAR crews the best in the world???

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Last night during freak wheather in the North of England, a RAF Search and Rescue helicopter airlifted, 20 people from a Cargo ferry that had run a ground, they did this despite 70mph plus winds and heavy rain/hale storms.

If anyone out there remember a TV programme called 999, you may recall the SAR crew that airlifted a diver that had the bends from a loch in Scotland and when faced with the dilemma of flying under a bridge and risking the aircraft and all on board or flying over the bridge and almost certainly killing the patient, they chose to fly under it!!




  1. yes their crew come from all over the world and they only take the best of the best. alot of new zealanders are there because they're the best.

  2. I have many close ties with the RAF and have been to see the guys at SAR at RAF vally,

    I think its hard to compare one SAR team to another but i do think the RAF is one of the most advanced and would be even better if they had the resources the govement keep denying them.

    Amazing men, amazing job, i hope join the mountain reacue at RAF Vally myself when i join up.

  3. The RAF SAR people are pretty d**n good, but if you're in a really tight spot you're going to want to hope it's the Royal Navy SAR that's come to get you.

    RAF helo pilots are the guys who couldn't hack fast jets they're not flying helicopters because they wanted to.  In the RN it's the 'pick of the crop' that is doing the driving

  4. Hats off to all of them.

    They make you proud to be British and restore faith in mankind in general.

  5. I was an SAR pilot at both RNAS Fulmar Lossiemouth in Scotland and RNAS Culdrose, I had the pleasure to work with the most self effacing guys in the world , they made my job up front easy as they were true professionals Sure we had hairy times but when you trust your guys behind  all is easy;. I also cannot praise enough the Coastguard and RNLI all consummate professionals

  6. Without a doubt, YES.

  7. i would be willing to bet the members of the US Coast Guard

    would argue they are the best. What does it matter, how can you  really judge who is the best? My hat is off to ALL of these folks

    It takes a very special breed of aviator to do this job. I would not volunteer to do it!

  8. Nil Desperandum is on the button but don't forget the rest of our rescue services especially the RNLI who are volunteers and do a brilliant job our thanks to them all for their dedication and professionalism,ONLY IN THE UK.

  9. I am certain that they are the among the finest in the world. I am also certain that they train and keep their skill and fitness at this level. There are other fine SAR units in the world. My hats off to anyone who is willing to put their life on the line for others. All SAR team members regardless of country of origin will risk their lives over and over, they are the true definition of heroes.

  10. The British Armed Services are the best in the World and have been for a very long time.

    HM Armed Forces deserve better than half baked political ideas and under funding.

  11. My husband who is a coastguard station officer  works very closely with the  SAR guys from Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose here in Cornwall  It  is the Fleet Air Arm's front line Sea King and Merlin helicopter squadrons; providing search and rescue for the South West region; and training specialists for the Royal Navy.  They have some of the best  chopper pilots from all over the world.  To be a Navy SAR pilot is to have reached the top of your field.The RAF have nimrods which also take part in sea rescues, by locating the casualty and directing the other rescue teams to it.  The Coastguards will  co-ordinate the lifeboats, SAR  helicopters and  nimrods, the cliff rescue teams, inshore lifeboats, beach lifeguards and sometimes the police. So it's a big pat on the back to all the guys and girls who often put their live on the line to help others in danger. Living in an area where the sea is on our door step and having one of the last big fishing fleets sailing from our local harbour of Newlyn we appreciate all these people tremendously.  And yes I do remember the programme you talk about, they should film another series.

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