
Are the Republicans intentionally trying to set our country up for financial doom?

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There is a theory about "starving the beast", the "beast" being government. The republicans are currently always in favor of lowering taxes. Which lessens the amount of money the government has on hand. And now concurrently, since Reagan, the republicans also spend A LOT. Spending on war, spending on financial institution bailouts, this in-turn forces our government to take out loans from other countries. Which we will have to someday payback. This increases our national debt. I noticed a report today that stated "1 out of 4 bridges need improvements". With sorrow, Minnesotans don't have to be reminded of crumbling bridges. Our infrustructure is aging, it's going to need repairs. We have just entered a time period of a swelling senior citizen population. These pple have been promised S.S. payments. There isn't enough money to pay them. It's going to be very difficult for the democrats to help these issues without raising taxes. And when they do, the reps will cry bloody murder.




  1. Raising taxes is not the answer, cutting spending is.  The economy always does better when taxes are lowered.

  2. YUP.

  3. When you vote in a certain party, that party will do as what party can. This is, if it's liberal, they will not be republican - or green. So when the second tem to voting in a republican party was considered, YOU as a country though it would be , one brave nad some what responsible in creating a better country...Now it was clear that the sacifice in votin a second term for the President will be a bit of a burdun, but in the long run better off for all.

    The next party voted in will do all that you want, in respect to the policical party voted in...

    You had a great opputunity to voting in a second term with your President and you did it, and knowing what will be the out come...Just as the Australians did, and now welcome their new Leader, Kevin Rudd, who runs a different Party, and therefore runs a different agenger to help balence out the country...

    When your voting again,  you most likey will not want george to be President, but many people do, and those are the people that where given the best slice of the cake...Now it's your turn to help balence it all out with a new leader...

    choose wisely!

    Think of the poor now, even if the next president only supports the poor for the entire duration of his/her term...Because these people, seem somewhat left out...

    But not forgotten...

    Your lucky to have the middle class included in a tax cut, this is only because the the Pool of decision making had run out for the upperclass and is funnled down a class...if you continue the present goverment... in 4 years time the poorer classes might see a break,  but this is too much of a burden, and is not fair overall...

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