
Are the Republicans using Gustav for political gain?

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Seems like a lot of political grandstanding to me. McCain is actually hinting at delivering his acceptance speech from the storm site. Does this mean he will no longer be giving it from a foxhole in Iraq?




  1. Sure they are! However, they are just taking advantage of the existing situation. The Republicans planned the convention a LONG time in advance, well before it could possibly be known a storm such as this might come along. Therefore, you can not accuse them of a some sort of cosmic conspiracy to use the storm for political gain. But, since it happens to BE here, they certainly WILL use it to their advantage.

  2. Republicans cant help it they just dont want to look bad partying when a storm comes (just like last time), I think people are sick of watching people suffer while the republicans celebrate. McCain has nothing to do with the storm I mean he is in st louis!! Its a sign i say a lot of republican say AIDS wiped out the g**s it was a sign, Gustav came its a sign  the republican aren't good enough.

  3. Of Course, but its not really going to do him any justice, because this storm is not as severe as they would have hoped for.  If it were more destructive then they may have looked a little better..... Sorry Repubs....  

  4. looks like it will be a lame duck for the war benefactors as they play the news and try to make it work for them ,it an,t working...chow f.p

  5. Not exploitation of the hurricane but rather genuine concern for a very sensitive and serious situation. Period.

  6. You expect any political organization to do any different.  Your disapproving tone underscores a dislike of the party that would in no way be comforted by any action the party stand for.  Your should aspire to be more open minded than a rock.

  7. They might as well, the left was rooting for a category 5 direct hit, probably so Obama could rent a rowboat from Sean Penn and row, row row his boat.

  8. Are you kidding this is terrible for them, it will make people think of Katrina and bush.  The said thing to me though is hah owhe Mayor of N.O and the governor of LA. totally exexoneratedhemselves of any administrative responsibility during Katrina.

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