
Are the Repugs walking a fine line trying to argue they are for change?

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Repugs have been in power for the past 8 years. McCain has gone on record repeatedly saying everything is fine, because he doesn't want to upset his Repug loyalist base. Dems were hammering them on the change issue and winning. So they chose Palin who is supposed to be the reformer and the corruption fighter.

But wait... what corruption? You mean corruption in the Repug party? But they're Repugs too!

Why reform anything when everything is fine? McCain wants to keep Bush's tax cuts permanent and wants to continue Cheney's disastrous foreign policy.

I don't get it.




  1. What do you mean argue about change they just did and you are too obtuse to notice.

    McCain/Palin create change

    Obama/Biden talk about creating change..

  2. Biden's son Hunter is a lobbyist that has got 3.4 million from Obama in earmarks. More of the same.

    Just do a search

  3. Well the "candidate for change" from the Democrats just picked the "oldest school inside the belt way senator for VP" and the "Repug" you hate so much just picked the one person as far out of the beltway with no years in DC for it strikes me as one is for change and the other is for the same ole same ole BS

  4. 9% approval rating for Congress, that's both Republicans and Democrats.

    And who does Obama choose as a running mate.. the long serving , special interest friend from Delaware Joe Biden who is so proud his son the lobbyist has made over $600K for his efforts this year.

  5. You lost me on your rant you must be  a dematard

  6. What a creative name "OIL".  I'm yet to hear from a lib if they feel Hussein should still be in power.  They always side track the issue.  Forget the fact he killed 55,000 people and had tons of yellow cake uranium.  

    Go smoke the peace bong and rally code pink.  Everything will be all better.  

  7. The Republicans are definitely not agents of change. When they are still living in the Bible days and think that every bit of the Bible should turn into legislation, there's something seriously wrong with them.

    Listen to this. McCain is only a "maverick" in the Senate because of his disastrous 2000 campaign for the presidency. In South Carolina he exclaimed that the confederate flag was a symbol of racism and hate, and that it should not be displayed above a courthouse. He lost South Carolina in the primary, and his campaign crumbled soon afterward. He grew angry and Bush who was running against him in the primary, and he decided he would try to switch political parties. He consulted a fellow Senator who encouraged him to stay in the same party. Enraged, he started voting very Democratically in protest. Hence, McCain would be called a "maverick." I've done my research, believe me. I admire his heroism in Vietnam, but I don't want him to be my president.

  8. oh come on, do you actually think obama is for change more than mccain?  what do you consider change?  continuing the federal governments enroachment of state rights?  continuing the federal governments heavy intervention into the citizens lives?  continuing the policies of the federal reserve which is destroying our economy and destroying the value of our dollar?  continuing americas military presence in over 100 countries around the world? continuing arresting and confiscating innocent americans property for doing nonviolent activities such as using drugs?   sounds exactly the same path that weve going down for the past 100 years that has been leading this country down hill.  if you are really ready for change you better stop voting for republicans AND democrats.

  9. Nope.And you are Desperate...

  10. Exactly how is expanding and creating new corrupt government agencies and expanding the power of government over a free people a change the American people can get behind?

    “As for me, I am deeply a democrat; this is why I am in no way a socialist. Democracy and socialism cannot go together. You can't have it both ways.”

    “Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude.”

    Alexis de Tocqueville

    As I watched the Democrat Convention filled with delegates demanding government help them in one way or another, all I heard was this:

    “It's not an endlessly expanding list of rights— the 'right' to education, the 'right' to health care, the 'right' to food and housing. That's not freedom, that's dependency. Those aren't rights, those are the rations of slavery— hay and a barn for human cattle.”

    Alexis de Tocqueville

  11. You don't get it?

    Try 2006 and the Election which party took control of our Bank Accounts?

    Now think (I know its hard for a liberal to do) but stretch your mind to the breaking point. Now envision the last two years, Which party had the money to enact change and did not? Remember now that less than 5% of the bills sent to the President were vetoed so don't say he vetoed them becasue he did not,

    Now, at the end, do you understand?

  12. LOL. They are not for change - they are for 'reform' whatever that might mean..It's like 'time horizon' vs 'timetable'

  13. I see more change in Palin and McCain than Biden....the same...

    McCain and Palin are proven examples of bringing change to there offices.

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