
Are the Storm really going to win?

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Are they really going to win against the Eels this weekend?

I mean I know they are the best and all that but the Eels have had two hard fought games and the Storm have had one really REALLY easy game against the Broncos and then a week off!

Do you think we have the skills to outclass the Eels?

Please help to make me not so nervous :)





  1. i would really like to think so as im a massive storm supporter but dont become to convinced only to be disappointed!!

    But we should go all the way, we've got something to prove after last year!!


  2. Sorry, but it is unlikely that they will pull off a victory in this game. The Eels have the better team in both defense and offense. As unfortunate as it is, they will be hard-pressed to pull it off. That being said, we can always pray for a miracle!!!

  3. yes its true

    the storm will win

  4. with some luck no

    go the eels...

  5. Firstly, SO STORM!!!!!!

    I really hope they win but really it comes down to who has their game heads on. (Game head - focused on winning, focused on the game plan, prepared to be a team player). I was so disappointed with last years loss to Brisbane, I hope they can go one better this year and feel they are more focused. I think both the eels and the storm play a similar game, especially in attack so possession will be important.

    I really think the competition this year has been fantastic, except the inconsistancies in refs decisions. I am looking forward to going to the Grand Final regardless of which two teams are left standing after this weekend.

  6. As much as it pains me to say it, as a died-in-the-blood penrith supporter, I will actually be going for parra in this game;

    Althopugh having said that, melbourne have been the gun team all year, and are undefeated in melbourne all season.

    I think I'll flip a coin as to where my money goes.

  7. I think they will win the final. they have been the best team all year. They also have the grand final lose of last year to spur them on.

  8. NO!!!!!

    in your dreams mate.

  9. If anyone can beat the storm,,its Parra.These two teams have similar strategics.

    Whatever happens its going to be a ripper of a game and when full time whistle blows Id say they will be separated by no more than one try.

  10. have some faith girl. they aren't the minor premiers for nothing.

    hard fought? under 12s Moree boars could of beat the bulldogs on that night.

    they'll win by a big margin. eels are SO overrated, you'll see.

  11. Yes the storms would. The eels have better defence and offence but the storms have better ball control and better halves combination to lead them into victory. Promise!!!!!

  12. I hope So.  they played well all year and to stop the Eels would be GREAT!

  13. I hope so, but unless you have a crystal ball that is guarenteed 100% you will only know around 7pm on Sunday.


    I know how you feel on the nervous side of it i will feel relaxed if we win on sunday for the day then start all over again on Monday untill after the granny,

  14. what?

  15. welll personally i think the storm shud win by 10 points the score will b 22-12 nd the 1st try scorer will b izzy folau! the storm hv performed all season no stoppin now but wud personally lyk 2 see the eels win coz they got INU!!! =D

  16. Storm have been crushing opposition all year.

    Why expect anything to change?

  17. If you look at it from a performance Melbourne should win but Parramatta will put up a good fight. It should turn out to be a great game of football. My tip Melbourne by 12

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