ok i'm go by recent years.
this Year the AJ, Karen and Kurt stuff were awesome, and they kept you waiting, what's Next?
and the Jay/Dutt/ so cal van
Last year the Abyss Storlyne was 1 of the best i have ever seen, it was kinda of strange, and funny.
Abyss shot his dad, no it's his Mom... its Suspence
the 10 month fued betewn sting vs jeff jarette, i could write the hole fued how it happened, but it will tak forever , i might edit it.
in 2005:the way they had Samoe joe come in and destroy the X-division and leading him up to a 3-way match betewn AJ vs daniels and him was briiliant
2003-2004: the best tag team fued in tna history, triple x vs amw
and dont forget the match types they created like Ultimate X