
Are the U.N. Human rights groups, the World Court and the EU part of an international antisemitic conspiracy?

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some have suggested or implied that this was true.




  1. That is a complete fabrication.  Has anyone seen any of these organizations create any type of policies or movements that would be considered antisemitic?  No.  If they did, wouldnt we see it happen all over the news, it would be a huge story?  No.  Honestly, this is just a fabrication.  There is nothing antisemitic about any of these organizations.  We may see that some of their policies may not be in agreement with the Jewish or Israeli populations, but it is nothing that is specifically targeted towards them like we have seen in the rhetoric from some islamic groups and organizations.  The UN, EU, and other genuine international organizations are not antisemitic at all.

  2. No.

  3. Have you even done one piece of research before making such allegations.

  4. There is no international antisemitic conspiracy, one isn't needed. There's enough hatred to go around without one.

  5. Look. Israel has been getting away with Genocide for over 50 years.

    Stealing land from the Palestinians,  establishing illegal settlements and committing atrocities against them.

    And UN is powerless to stop them...though  they have done a 1000 worse crimes than Saddam.

    Half my family are Jews so don't whinge antisemitic.

    Israelis are the new n***s...and one day they will hopefully stand trial for Murder, Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide.

  6. Racism must be eliminated because all persons are created equal.

  7. It wouldn't surprise me.

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