
Are the UFOs and Aliens true and some were living and inside the territory of Area 51?

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Are the UFOs and Aliens true and some were living and inside the territory of Area 51?




  1. Think about it. Whats the best way to hide something? Duh! You make it look like something else! The military just embraced all those alien conspiracies to hide all their new aircraft from the Russians. Don't buy into all this UFO bull.

  2. Well the concept of UFO and alien's is rather easy because it would be ignorant to think that we are the only species in the known universe as for the thing's said about area 51

    I wouldn't put it passed are government to use this as a scare tactic. more then any thing the chances of other being's from another planet living here would be outrageous first they would have to travel million's of miles away to get here second they would have to breath the same as us in order to survive, same temp,same food, ect...

    But I know that there has to be other life forms out there just as we are out there out of the billion's of planets and billion's of galaxies it would be almost impossible to think that there wouldn't be other life form's

  3. If you believe that, I have some beach front property to sell you  in Arizona

  4. -aliens in area 51.1-

    it is true as,it got told on this area 51.1 it may be true, that:

    Aliens and UFO pieces are in area 51.1

    oh yea and they can like,be extra ordinary aliens can maybe shape shift or react to our air.

    they can possible be aliens on our planet. BUT more than 5 billion are We are aliens to then right?.

    there could be a worm hole witch zaps them here. ~don't say i haven't got a good imagination~.or they could be like, god. they can change the future or past.                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dr.hurricane

  5. Nope, they all stay at the Holiday Inn Express in La Puente California rooms 301 and 303 specifically

  6. There is really no way to tell.  We will simply never know, and that is what keeps people interested.

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