
Are the UK people angry at America because the food sucks in London?

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I'm just teasing you guys. I spent 3 weeks in Europe though, and I have to say I had a bad experience the 4 days I was in London. We had some home made Shepherd's Pie which was delightful, but that's the only good thing I remember.




  1. nope. i live in england but never been to london.

  2. With the garbage you eat in the USA you are not qualified to ask that question, however if you had asked that question 40 years ago you could be correct, but then where was USA food at that stage.

  3. Great people,

    Great history,

    Terrible Food!

  4. British cooking is nothing great. Spanish, Mexican, Italian, those are the countries who know how to cook!

  5. Im sorry, but what a horrible question.  If a person from London came to NYC and wanted to have real American food they would most likely eat a hot dog from a street vendor, maybe grab pizza from a pizza place by there hotel (very touristy), and/or grab a hamburger from McDonald's (since it started in the US) or from another place where the burgers are supposed to be good.  Most Americans would be outraged and would object to people assuming that the best 'Amierican' food is at the above places.  But if you were a forking you think that going to these places would give you the ultimate American experience.

    So now, when you went to the UK and you wanted to try food that you 'thought' was authentic food from that country you were most likely getting the tourist version of the food you wanted or maybe one version of a dish that is prepared 100 different ways.  And now your making an assumption based on those four experiences that the food you had was not up to your expectations.

    I went to Europe last year.  I started in Spain and worked my way up to Scotland, backpacking the whole way.  I dont ever remember having a bad meal, and I also feel like I tried the most authentic food in each country.  I chose places that where not touristy and that were paced with local people, or I asked a local where the best place is to go.

  6. What a rediculous question.  Fair enough I reckon 15 years ago, but now?  London is fast becoming the food capital of Europe, if not the world - when it comes to dining out.  There are literally loads of Michelin starred restaurants, with one or two frequently being voted the best restaurant in the world.

  7. Haha. Heard that have good Chinese and Indian food in London though...

  8. hat a load of trash we have some of the most diverse food in london from french to taiwan you need to get your head out of your **** and look around then youll see what great food london has to otheras for american food it sorts of dominate the world does nt it so who buys itwe do  

    read your attachment sorry about **** thing but london has great food

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