
Are the US and UK armies really attacking innocent civilians

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So far the majority of you say they dont do this intentionally.

I agree.

Noone wants to be at war but sometimes there is no choice.

What about world war 2? if we didnt do anything how would life be for us now?




  1. Would be in the heat of the moment and and not intentionally

    What is of interest to me Do you remember those 197  Russian kids ? Could you look a 9 year little girl in the eye and than blow her head off Now if it was a mouth shot do you think those little blue eyes were open when her head hit the floor The reason it's of interest y'all just said ''how awfully Now getting back to water brooding''

    Water brooding was on the front page of the New York Times over 90 times Maybe i don't know about those little blue eyes as it was news only 7 times

    You sit there like a self righteous judge ''tell me if it would be intentional'' as if Americana's military were animals Please never ask a question like than of me I personal woul....Just don't ask it little girl I don't care that's you are a female

  2. hahaha, damnit Americans are ignorant.

    h**l no, those are the two most law abiding territories in the world

  3. No. It makes no sense.

    Dont get me wrong. Every army in every war ever has had a moment of shame somewhere but they are usually isolated and referenceable.

    Our modern armies and the people who control them however are quite sophisticated and understand better than anyone the consequences of bad publicity and the impossibility of covering deliberate attrocities up so it would never be countenced as official policy just because of that.

    I know quite a few US and UK military people and the average one takes no pleasure in killing an enemy combatant never mind a civilian.

    People who boast about killing have usually never done it.    

  4. No, the insurgents are.  They kill their own, thousands of them.  They don't care.  Who told you the USA and UK were doing it?

  5. It would be very naive to think this never happens, when you give teenagers automatic weapons.  

  6. Only if they get in our way. We do bad things to bad people.

  7. A story broke out from Iraq and made international headlines about 2 British army service men who were arrested by the Iraq Police and held in jail. The Army sent in the tanks and did a modern jail break to free their men. This was fairly big news but what was not widely reported was the actual reason for their arrest. The 2 men of the SAS were dressed as Iraqi nationals and from a car were opening fire with semi auto matics at Iraqi civilians.

    Now you have to wonder why they were doing this and dressed not in uniform but disguised as Iraqi's which in recognised law is against the Geneva convention. Then the Army send in the tanks to do a jail break and get their men out. Again another unlawful act.

    Some have reported this as what is called a false flag operation. To cause confusion between two warring factions and further stir up conflict. If any one needs further information on this then they can read the book by journalist Mark Curtis or download a free to view film called ZEITGEIST on google or youtube. I tend to lean towards their explanation for what is going on in the world.  

  8. Not intentionally, sometimes there are people around when firefights break out and they get caught in the crossfire.

    Its impossible to have a clean war in cities populated by civilians.  

  9. Every war has innocent victims,

    but most if not all of our service personal do not intently target civilians, when insurgents use human shields then the innocent are put in harms way

  10. When you invade a country its guaranteed.

    Just blame the enemy, a few dead families can't get in the way of "saving" them from Saddam (Oops!, he's not the problem anymore is he)      

  11. I wouldn't say attacking, but there have been causalities in crossfire, and other scenarios.

  12. No, there are no deliberate attacks on innocent civilians.  That would be completely inhumane and we'd be getting very serious flack from other nations.

  13. The US and UK go out of their way to avoid civilian casualties, while the rag heads hide among them, massacre them, and then claim to be them when they get hit. Why do you think the Iraqis finally turned on them and started fighting back?

  14. Up until WW1 you'd have two opposing armies meet on the battlefield, orchestrate around the field a bit, bash each other around and then retire.

    Modern warfare changed all that, opposing sides fight where they meet and despite measures to limit civilian casualties they are inevitable.

    The days of gentlemanly conduct on the battlefield are long gone, this is the age of the terrorist and guerilla fighter.

  15. yes, but not (generally) deliberately

    It is a fact of war that innocent people will get killed... especially when the 'war zones' are in large population centres.

    we (UK and US) have a professional, highly trained army

    They do not set out to kill innocent people - although that happens more often than most jingoistic rednecks would like to admit  

  16. No they wouldn't do must be very thick to believe the propaganda coming from the enemy  

  17. Only a fraction of the soldiers actually do, but nothing can stop a few bad apples getting into the military and do wrong and they are punished for what they do.  

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