
Are the US really moving misles in Poland closer to the Russian border? Are they trying to provoke a War?

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Ok, so we know the US strives to protect a countries democratic values, however, is moving Misile Bases closer to Russia really going to achieve anything besides pissing of Russia?




  1. The funny thing is, that Poland would still be dragging its heels if it wasn't for Russia invading Georgia.

  2. so now it's how the NATO as the police security of europe can deal with it...

    did the NATO had the Guts to fight againts the US willings?? not so sure...

    i think the us tries the preventif acts in this case...but after all it could lighten up the "hotness" of the could era back...

    lets see how it will goes..

  3. Probably not.

    Poland is jonesing for these bases as a way to ensure that Russia never dominates them again.  I think the whole idea of putting a missile defense system in Eastern Europe is stupid.  We also have the early warning radar in the Czech Republic.

    I don't think it will provoke a war.  The missile defense system would never be able to stop or withstand a Russian missile attack on Poland or Europe.  It can really only handle a few missiles at a time at most.

  4. Lots of sabre rattling here guys, didn't know the yanks had any guys left to spare with Iraq and Afg ongoing (I know the UK hasn't), so we agree that Poland can can do what it likes but we are aware that Rus can play up and move across borders at will.

    Who is going to get heavy Armour from Texas (you boys got a lot of M60's mothballed there) and who is going to get the Germans over their border to fight the Rus (Poland may not want Germans on their soil after the last time) France will say NON! And the UK will send Paras or Marines cos we've sold our tanks pay for oil, the losers in this will be the poor bloody civvies again and we will all watch TV and make on line donations.

    I'm a bit worried about a skint and pissy Russia pushing out its boundaries cos despite NATO and the big Europe common market boll-ox, Europe is more divided than in a long time and it wouldnt take much for US grain and foodstuffs to be on planes to Bonn, Paris and London and for the lights to go out across europe.

    Lets wait and see, never know they might get my old tank out of mothballs and I can relive my youth


  5. Well, if it pisses you guys off, I'd say "Well done, troops, well done!"

    Get the memo - we don't give a good s--t what pisses Russia off any more.  That all went away after Georgia,

  6. Right now Russia seems to be the one striving for war in that part of the world.  The US is going to build a missile defense system in Poland, with Poland's consent.  Poland can do whatever it wants inside it's own borders.

  7. Russians' favourite dream car is Hummer, their favourite clothes are Levi's, McDonald's is still very popular. Russian wealthy hunters prefer Browning. Russia buys American poultry of terrible quality Moreover, Russia is bankrolling America buying its bonds in such bad economic situation.  And how does US pay for that? It sets up an attack of the Georgians! US ignores the fact of genocide and speaks only about punishing Russia.

    Is there any sense in that policy? Russia is denied US cooperation. And the way many people discuss this topic reminds me brainwashed Stalin's commies. The party code consists of two chapters.

    Chapter 1. Russia is always wrong.

    Chapter 2. If Russia is right see Chapter 1.

  8. I less worried about offending Russia and more concerned with befriending Poland.  Poland and Russia are not historically allies.

    Some people forget that part of the reason that Poland, Czechoslovakia, and the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) pushed to join NATO is many years of Russian and Soviet belligerence towards those nations.  It is prudent for the USA, and the rest of NATO, to support those countries attempts to remain out of Russian influence, and defend them if attacked.  If fostering freedom upsets Russia, too bad for Russia.

  9. Who gives a d**n what the Russians think.   They are building a missile Defense base ....I think the operative word is defense.  Russian has been going backwards towards the iron curtain, and the world has every right to not trust them.  They have an agenda and it does not include freedom.  

  10. I, for one, enjoy pissing off Russia.

    So I am all for it.

  11. Rightfully, that does not give Russia the right to attack Poland

    But it will not surprise me if Russia attack them anyway, and use the missile defense as the reason. Russia seems to be trigger happy lately.

    In that situation, I think the US should provide Poland with military assistancee, even if it meant a direct confrontation between US and Russian army

  12. It's not a missile base, it's a missile defense facility designed to shoot down missiles headed for Europe/US.  When did defending ourselves and our allies become such a crime?

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