
Are the USA citizens complacent toward the USA government?

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It seems they are because they do nothing to make change with their government.




  1. WELL. It is like this. If congress does not allow for more drilling, I believe they will find out just how complacent we are.

  2. Complacent, no. Disgusted, most definately. This yo-yo has a Harvard degree and can't read. Imagine the odds.

  3. The American Citizens are not educated to the fact that the Corporate US Government is not representing our Republic but Corporate US Government is in control of our Republic. Bush is the President of the Corporate US Government. All agencies of the Corporate US Government are sub-corporations of the Corporate US Government. Corporate US Government is commerce. An example, Corporate US Government Department of Justice does not administrate our Constitutional law. The Corporate US  Government Department of Justice administrates ADMIRALTY LAW (commerce). The American people must wake up to these stated facts. It is time for the American Citizens to take control of their Republic and structure a Government by, We The People.

  4. They aren't complacent in their government. But they are complacent in their lives. They are blinded by the standard of living and do not see nor care that they are losing their freedoms.

    They've grown accustomed to an abusive government and chalk it up to "it's the way it is." So they don't get involved.

    They've grown accustomed to believing the country is a democracy, after hearing it repeated so many times. When in fact the Country is a republic, by design, and not a democracy.

    They've grown accustomed to government doing things for them, "there ought to be a law", even though it is not the government's purpose and there ought not be a law. But this is easier than taking action and being responsible for oneself.

    For those that do try to get involved, they quickly learn how incredibly difficult it is. The republicrats and demoblicans have set up the system to keep every one else out.

  5. I agree! There are a lot of things going on right now that should outrage people. We seem to be to busy with our day to day lives and busy schedules, we don't have the time or energy to do MORE! I also think we are being fed a bunch of lies, and some citizens just except it and feel there's nothing they can do to make a difference.

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