
Are the United States and Canada similar........?

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as in the quality of life? I'm in Mexico right now and it's ridiculous. The people here are so behind in times I feel like I just went back in time 50+ years. EVERYTHING is dirty, everything is ugly, every building is a concrete square, the food is filled with bacteria because I guess no one has taught them how to be clean...there's too much to name but I'm disgusted with this place. I would like to continue my vacation to Canada as I can imagine it's pretty much the same as the United States....can anyone tell me if that's true.




  1. In terms of sanitation, health and food standards yes we're very similar.

    We have similar rights and freedoms, many similar laws and similar pop culture.

    There are many difference, but nothing that will make your skin crawl.

    If you want to do big cities, lights and major commercial attractions try Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa or Montreal. If you want small town, friendly with great hospitality and great scenery, try coastal BC, Northern Ontario (around Lake Superior is beautiful), Quebec City (its the 400th anniversary this year), or anywhere in the Atlantic Provinces. Peggy's Cove in Nova Scotia is a popular spot.

    I REALLY recommend the west coast of Newfoundland! Look for info on Gros Morne National Park as well as L'anse aux Meadows.

  2. If you want to vacation, it is same like america, if you want to leave there - it would be different. Canada is natural, beautiful and place to visit.

  3. they are both first-world-countries so if you went there you wouldnt be disgusted.

  4. It's different. You may not like Canada either, and you will find it much more expensive than Mexico.

  5. you will like Canada, Except for the price of Gas.

  6. My guy is American I am Canadian, our daughter is duel. I have lived in both I hate America lol its cheaper to shop cheaper gas even though they steal it from us. However we have nature everywhere social heathcare. We do not allow such lose laws on firearms we have far less people and far less crime.

  7. Canada is more expensive in certain things, but it is really beautiful. Less Crime, less people.

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