
Are the Windsor family the descendants of the Stuart Dynasty?

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Are the Windsor family the descendants of the Stuart Dynasty?




  1. Queen Elizabeth II is a descendant (from the female line) of King James I of England (James IV of Scotland) through his eldest daughter, Princess Elizabeth Stuart, whose youngest daughter was Electress Sophia of Hanover, who married a German Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg. Their son, George eventually inherited the crown of England, Scotland and Ireland as George I of Great Britain. He was the great-great-great... paternal grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II.

    Note: There are however many direct descendants of King James I scattered throughout Europe. Although Queen Anne of England died without any issues, her half-brother James III is actually the rightful heir the English crown. Since the Act of Settlement of 1701, all Catholics were permanently  banned from claiming the throne. His descendants were sent in exile and many of them did try to fight for their rights which was known as the Jacobite movement.

    Click here to see who are actually the direct descendants of King James I, and who would be the real British monarchy sitting on that throne today

  2. There is a link down the female line from James I to George I. Then from George III to Victoria. The name Windsor was picked in 1917 to replace Saxe-Coburg-Gotha or House of wettin because of its non german connotations.

  3. No. The House of Stuart ended with Queen Anne who had no surviving children when she died (she had 18 children, the oldest lived to 11, most were stillborn). Thus, the House of Hanover came over from Germany (could have been others, but as they were Catholic, they had no right to the throne). This ended 6 monarchs later in the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha whose name changed to Windsor in 1917 and is still the ruling House.

  4. Good stuff contributor Rachelle, excellent research.

    While Elizabeth II is in the direct line from James I through her father George VI, she is also descended from him through her mother's family, the Bowes-Lyons, and her daughter-in-law, the late Princess Diana of Wales, was descended from no fewer than 5 of Charles II's illegits by various women. Go back far enough in most of the British nobility and you will find one or more of Charles" by blows.Pity he had no legits!

    So William, if he ascends the throne, will have more royal British lines of descent than any other monarch since Elizabeth I - whose mother was of largely English blood and descended from the Plantagenets.

    And should he marry his lovely Kate and have children with her, their kids will be thoroughly British-made.

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