
Are the ancient Skull of Ancient Romans similar with the Skull od modern city of Rome people of our periode?

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Am just curious to know if modern Italian from Rome look like the old Romans of 2000 years ago.I know that there was many invasions from German tribes and other foreigners that tainted the gene pool of Italium people.

Italian of today are of a complex ethnical mixture that occurred many thousand years ago and is still transforming Italy today.




  1. probably fairly similar; subsequent invaders seem to get absorbed into the gene pool generally--the original is not obliterated but can have some changes,sometimes small,sometines signnificant. Incidentally, most mediterranean people are 'long headed'.

    Austrians and Germans & other middle Europeans tend to be 'round headed'-a type known as 'alpine'.

    The earliest Britons were a slender long headed race till about 2500 BC  when a round headed people came from the Alps (one skeleton has definitely been identified as Swiss or Austrian) and brought a different culture. you find both today.

  2. They will look exactly the same, the main differences in bone structures that would have happened in such a short time would have probably been a result of nutritional differences not genetic. Bone structures themselves are actually fairly misleading as far as recognizing racial attributes, an anthromorphologist normaly have only about a 30% success ratio of guessing ancestry through bone structure alone.

  3. I would think that they are still pretty similar! It's not like they were mixing with another species...

  4. Relatively similar. They can't see things with such detail that they can tell subtle changes. They'd have to carefully measure a great deal about the skulls to see any statistical difference.

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