
Are the armed forces right for me?

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On August 31st, I'm being kicked out of my house. This is to the curb, so to speak, and I don't really have anywhere else to go.

I'm 26 so I can't really blame my parents. My girlfriend is going through the same exact thing at her house. Our jobs combined don't give us enough money to rent any reasonable apartment and her credit is bad.

Now, I'm thinking of joining the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy so that I can have a place to live and better income. I'm want to avoid combat and would rather not travel to hostile lands. I have a good skill set and have been writing software for 17 years as a hobby. (Yes, since the age of 8)

Are either the Air Force or the Navy appropriate for someone like me?




  1. The essence of military service is that by doing so, you are willing to fight for your country, its beliefs, and the freedom and security of other people..

    If you cannot get the balls to do so, then perhaps you should look at being a librarian, a waiter, an actor, or a hamburger cook.

  2. Jack what puzzles me is why you were still living at home. With a background in software you should be able to write your own ticket. Do you have any degrees to back it up or, are you a self proclaimed wizard? At 26 you are at the top limit for military service. Sorry, you should have made this decision about 6 years ago.

  3. Don't listen to the guy above, you don't have be all crazy patriotic and wanting to fight for your country to the death to join. Joining the armed forces just for money and a place to live is a perfectly legit reason to join. I do think if you should join the air force or navy if you can't find anything else you wanna do that will help you get by. There's always the chance of the getting sent to a hostile place, but it depends on your occupation. And it's better than living on the curb, right? You get a pay cheque, good exercise and a place to stay. I say go for it. Good luck

  4. well depends my answer is most likely going to be a no but most of the time if you wanted to avoid combat. like not face to face you should look into technical for the navy or maybe programming as a civilian. combat is not always the best choice for many people some think of it as a last resort for some who cant deal with themselves and choose it without doing correct thoughts about being committed even though it would seem to be a great get away from civilian life  

  5. The simple answer is NO When you join any armed force you commit yourself to the Defence of your Country, not "to live better and afford my apartment" and avoid combat. Try Park Attendant.

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