
Are the baby boomers responsible for feminism?

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Modern feminism gained traction in the 60's and 70's when the baby boomer generation were young people. Do you think their generation of people are responsible for feminism?




  1. Yes, feminism is the brainchild of that lost generation--the result of too much free time and loco weed.

  2. They're responsible for AIDS.

    Just when I entered puberty, the sexual revolution came to a GRINDING halt.

  3. Seeing as how baby boomers were some of the key players in the feminist movement of the 60s and 70s, then you could say that they were responsible for that wave of feminism. I'm not really sure what else you're getting at though.

  4. no.  patriarchy was 100% responsible.

  5. Responsible for their part in feminism, certainly. Responsible for feminism as a way of thinking about the world, no.

    But they certainly have made some very impressive contributions!

    Cheers :-)

  6. Well no, Women actually had more rights before WWII due to the first feminism.  

    There will always be people who believe women are human beings with the same right to autonomy as men.

  7. What would have to the American productivity if it weren't for feminist and those that have fought for the Civil Rights of everyone.

    These are just a few examples: During WWI and II women played a VITAL roles in maintaining the "home front" and helping out in the war effort in many ways!  LOOK IT UP!!

    Also - just think if woman had to stay with an abusive man that beat her and the kids! What would happen if she didn't have choices, i.e. to go out and get a job, buy a house, buy a car.

    Having the ability get a job and get paid the SAME RATE AS A MAN WORKING NEXT TO HER...

    These rights HAD TO BE FOUGHT FOR BY WOMEN (some men helped, also) wasn't JUST GIVEN TO US.

    So by feminist do you mean: One that is believes in the rights of women.

    Baby boomers are enjoying the benefits of the earlier generations. But we must always stay vigilant. Cause the battle is NOT over.

  8. Proudly, I will state that the baby boomers did play an extensive role in both the civil rights and equal rights movement.  Society was responsible for the unfair treatment of both minorities and woman.

  9. Second wave feminism was the result of baby boomers-but we couldn't have done it without the first wavers who got us the right to vote-and actually got some of us educated and a few of us employed. I'm thankful that the 3rd wave of feminists are going strong as well.  

  10. Wow, 1893, that's when women in New Zealand got the right to vote.

    But some societies like American natives were Matriarchal.  You're asking about modern feminism, I know.   I see it as a gradual process.

    When birth control pills became available in the 1960s, women were made to feel that they had to have s*x, or they weren't modern.  Women were pressured into thinking that feminist meant having s*x with the boyfriend.  

    Now women in the West are having plastic surgery, and using tooth whiteners and having botox, and all kinds of hair removal.  So I'm not even sure what feminism is.

    Wouldn't a real femisist be a woman who doesn't shave her legs and doesn't tweeze her eyebrows?

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