
Are the best fathers the ones with tempers?

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My dad has a bad temper, and so did his father. The thing is, my grandfather (who was a military man) never beat my grandmother and was not an alcoholic, and my father never hit my mother and is also not an alcoholic.

My dad is one of the best men I know of and if he did not have a temper, I do not think I would have ever become a man. I think fathers with tempers who do not beat their wives make the best fathers. I mean, my father always told me to never hit women and other valuable things, and he kept me in line with his temper.




  1. I don't agree with your statement about men with tempers being better fathers. Besides, we all have "tempers." It's how you deal with things that matters.  

    My dad was the sweetest man and the best dad I could have asked for. He was always very soft spoken, nurturing, and slow to anger. I admired his character tremendously. He was always there for me  and always had time even when he was busy. I knew he loved me and that to me is the makings of a great dad.

  2. So you are saying that the underlying "threat" of violence from a temper helps to make a good father? kinda scary line you're walking there. i disagree.

  3. The best fathers are the ones who have patience, teach their children values and morals and they teach that by example, they are firm when they need to be but genuinely have no problem hugging their children nor telling them that they love them.

    They teach their children to respect the rules and boundaries set and if their children do not follow the rules they discipline they punish is strong yet loving terms.  The key is that you are teaching the child all the time.

  4. i think a good father is a good father (and i'm glad you have).  i've seen some dads that NEVER raise their voice and yet their children respect them and obey them, and i've seen some dads that have tempers like you wouldn't believe and their kids aren't afraid or anything.  i think different types of people will have different types of relationships with their children but i don't think there's one type that's better than others.

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