
Are the bugs in the summer now being affected by Global Warming?

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I LOVE summer, and I have noticed now for the past three years that there is this type of bug that I hear all the time in the morning. I don't know what its called, but it makes an unusual knows every couple of seconds. But slowly I have noticed that when I wake up in the morning when its in the summer I don't hear them anymore. Last summer they only came out at NIGHT. Whats wrong?

What ever happened to crickets? I barely hear them anymore.

And of course, the birds. I know this is a little off the question, but they left a little later then usual. Its January and I still see them flying around and in the trees.




  1. yep.  i was reading about canada's problem with the pine bark beetle.

    it's just one example,  but it's one of many.

    oh, here's a good site.

    watch someone quote, "This epidemic is the result of a number of factors including natural beetle population cycles"

    and completely forget, "continuous mild winters"

  2. I've noticed that more and more bugs are carrying bottled water when they are out and about......small bottles.

  3. Cricket populations can be cyclical, in 1998 and 1999 in the Houston area we had a cricket population explosion that I have not seen anything similar since.


    Field cricket populations are cyclical. Some years great numbers find their way across parking lots and into

    malls and office buildings. Many years of low cricket populations may follow. Other crickets like the house cricket,

    and the very small dark brown Nemobius, also have cycles of build up and movement into structures.""

  4. If you're a gardener,one quickly realizes that it can have both

    good and bad outcomes.Most but not all larva of beetles and other bugs are laid in the ground.During dry spells the hatched pupa has a difficult time reaching the surface.

    Some avians will lay two or more clutches during extended warm periods.My biggest problem was the late freezes for the last three years on fruit trees.This didn't allow blooms to develop,but was relatively free from harmful insect's.

  5. Its possible as is anything but dont get too carried away; global warming from a scientific perspective has not actually even been proven to exist; most scientists agree that is does exist but technically its still in the theory phase. There is no way to directly link the bugs and birds you speak of to global warming; scientific experimentation would help but can not even provide you with a definite answer. I personally believe global warming exists but is not the doomsday scenario everyone makes it out to be. I think people should be more concerned with the world ending by nuclear weapons than global warming....

  6. I wouldn't be too quick to blame global warming as disease, predators and a multitude of other reasons could influence the population of insects! Nice question!

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