
Are the cells that make up of our body intelligent living organism? ?

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Since we are made up of trillions of cells and we are rewarded with pleasure when we do certain things and punished by pain when we touch a hot stove? Also, when we're sick no matter how energized we are mentally we are unable to do things we want to do physically. And how about dying of cancer and yet our mind is not even ready to die at all?? So are we not at mercy of our body or cells?




  1. realizing that there are so many levels of intelligent systems

    within our bodys and throughout earth and beyond

    which basically provide for us constantly

    just so we can do whatever we want (free will)

    gives one pause for reflection~

    if we are truly intelligent, we will live in concord

    and reciprocity with nature, and serve it as it serves us

  2. The spirit of ones body trully neever dies.

    as with our conscience can not feel pain physicly out body does and our mind harms us emotionally for better or worst.

    cells are living organisms and do sereve a big part in ones life but a bigger part in ones pain and death.

    yes i do believe cells are living organsms scientificly and based on perspective.

    Hope This Helped! :D

  3. Even though cells have very complex functions, cells simply can not be intelligent living organisms, as a group or an individual cell. We would have to ask can cells function independently, without any feed back ie do they free thinking, can the ask and answer questions.

    Appliances in our homes even though have unique functions, still simply can not

    function without electricity. In the same way every single cell in the body needs stimulus, which in turn is provided by our brain. It is very complex and difficult to determine, what is Conscious, where do thoughts come from or what is intelligence.

    However the simplistic use implied here simply can not be equated with cells being intelligent entities. Our physiology is extremely complex no doubt. However without brain feeding these cells (which in turn become organs), they will simply be unable to function. They require stimulus.

    Each individual cell has no direct impact on our physiology, even our organs. They simply carryout the functions as they are stimulated. As they can't have any independent influence that would also mean they can't exist as separate intelligent and individual entities.

    Even though our cells don't have a direct impact that does not mean other organs and cells in the body don't rely on each other. Again they have no independent influence, rather communicate and work in conjunction with other cells after ONLY receiving stimulus from our brains. What ever stimulus they recieve, accordingly they will respond.

    So suppose liver sclerosis, of course either due to cancer or any other reasons, if liver stops working, we will certainly die. It is b/c liver in itself has a very important function, it is vital for metabolism. However in one hand it's functions depend on the stimulus, it can not act on its own.

    On the other hand because many functions depend on the liver, and many other organs rely on the liver, when it is unable to do its part of the deal, other organs can't either. Which results in death. Liver in essence was a major part in out biological machine ie physiology.

    Just like appliances or machines are made up of many different parts, each small part vital for the functioning of whole machine, as the machine works in a particular sequence. Just b.c machine can not function without that part or parts does not mean these individual parts have  independent functions or can exert any influence on their own. You need electricity to kick start everything.

    In the same way cells and components as part make up our body. Independently they have no influence or intelligence but rather are solely dependent on our brain. Think about it this way, the part is broken yet electricity is still running. Just like brain stimulus are required for organs to function, organs in themselves must be functional as well ie not broken or unable to work!  

  4. well i'm no doctor but my advice is to not think of your body as two separate or muitiple parts think of it as one big puzzle with many pieces that hold it together, even if the mind is not ready to die it can't function without the rest of the body so yes i really do think we are at mercy to our cells and our body. Just think of it like a car if the engine is broken even though the the rest of the car is working it can't function with out the whole thats just how i understand it to be. Very good qeustion i had to think about it and to answer your qeustion, Are the cells that make up of our body intelligent living organism?yes i do think they are intelligent i mean theres nobody inside us telling them were to go,what to do and what to fight yet we still function so i think they are intelligent maybe not in the traditional sense of course i can't remember the name of it but i remember studing cells and i think the "brain" of it is called the nuclei or the nucleus  

  5. yes we are to some extent we are having intelligent living organism .they are so tiny that you can modify them at will by your will power and meditation many medicines are available to pacify there effect.

    more over these organism are having you record of good and bad doings of all the births you have lived. your (deeds- work- pursharth) of to day effects your tomorrow(luck).

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