
Are the characteristics of Persians, Greeks, Vikings still visible in their modern descendants?

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Are the characteristics of Persians, Greeks, Vikings still visible in their modern descendants?




  1. Characteristics are both adopted and inherited... They way one reflects on one's desires is the way his character is formed and from that the characteristics others view him with.

    To sum up certain behaviours are innate but it is how one has been brought up to reacte to these innate behaviours which complete their personality and character....

    To a great extent prevailing cultures often re-inforce a unified way of reflecting on innate behaviours, so to a great extent people brought up in surviving old cultures are more likely to behave in similar ways and hold similar characteristics..

    I propose of the three cultures you have mentioned the ones that remain more true to their old identity have also produced people with more similar modern characteristics to the old..

    ... I am Greek, and hope that i was able to maintain even 10% of what the ancient Greeks were like.

  2. I still like Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" and drink Tuborg beer, but not in caves with blankets and by the gallons.  I know some old Norse mythology stories, like the end of the world and such.  Once owned runes.  Didn't know what to do with them--they just looked cool.  Can say "Skol!" ("Cheers" in Swedish).  I'll admit the Vikings were barbaric and yet I was proud of their Empire.  They made Ireland surrender, colonized England, subdued the Germans and seized Istanbul.  If you cross a Viking with a Turkish babe, you'll get some fine-looking offspring.  Pretty d**n good for a bunch of seafaring barbars.  The Ottomans were no better and no worse, though they did have great architecture and classical music.

  3. Interesting question -

    to some extent yes, there are regional variations in how people appear that are related to a long occupation in the same area of the world and the somewhat isolated breeding practices of past cultures  - often defined by geographic boundaries and bottlenecks (mountains, deserts, seas etc.)

    On the other hand, keep in mind that you have identfied Cultures as you frame of reference and a culture is something that is learned, not related to any physical reality.  Thus there are blonde and redheaded Native Americans.  Likewise each of the groups you identify - Persians, Greeks and Vikings - were all renowned travellers in their time, spreading across the knonw world, "passing out" their genes and bringing new ones home - so even in the "classic"period of each culture, it is likley that the overall population inlcuded many characteristics that would not have fit the ideal.

  4. Many dominant characteristics are visible, but quite a lot of them have been lost throughout the centuries. As a Greek, I can tell you that we are much taller than the ancient Greeks, but you can come across people who look like ancient statues.

  5. I believe so. Don't ask me,I don't study genetic coding, but you're the one who decided to go online where millions of idiots could reach you. It's not my problem.

    Anyway, as it is a rather dominant trait, it would not be surprising to see someone who looked like a Viking. Why do you ask? Is a certain person always trying to steal stuff out of your car and eat their children? Maybe they have Viking blood!

  6. YES ! I have tons of Persian friends and there is a distinction of how they all look. The same goes to Greeks and the Scandanavians or any other Viking descendants.. you can still see some traceable features.

  7. physical? yes some are still carried in their genetic code.

  8. Very much so, Especially in those of pure or close to pure blood.  People do not like it but blood lines tell in good stock and that includes people, dogs, horses, cattle, cats, and all farm livestock.

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