
Are the cheap generic drugs found in drug stores as effective as the real, branded drugs?

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Are the cheap generic drugs found in drug stores as effective as the real, branded drugs?




  1. The cheap drugs are the expensive drugs but without a brand name. It's all about stupid labels. For example, Abercrombie and Fitch jeans don't cost anymore to make than a pair of jeans from Wal-Mart. Once you slap the A&F on the tag, the price gets jacked up like mad.

  2. Yes, the drugs themselves are exactly the same, and they're all real. In some cases branded drugs have different preparations to generic ones (I'm thinking of common painkillers in liquid capsules etc which are supposedly absorbed faster) but the drug itself will be the same.

  3. yes, i use generic drugs for all my prescriptions

  4. Yes.  The cheap drugs are subjected to the same regulation as the branded drugs (probably).

  5. In almost every case, yes.

  6. Almost always.  There have been some exceptions but when discovered the error is corrected.  (It once happened with aspirin.)  Most of the generic drugs are produced by the big name manufacturers in the same product runs. he only difference is in the final step when the generics are stamped differently, encapsulate differently and boxed with the big shot name.

    Some of the generics are produced abroad by big shot companies and by smaller pharmiceuticals.

    And some are big shot runs that are put up for gneneric sale because of overproduciton.  ALways check the expiration date.

    Remember that the ocer the counteer drugs are all pretty harmless and aimed for treatment of pretty harmless symptoms.  Buying the big names isa fairly bad way to spend your money.

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