
Are the clubs in europe strict on age?

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esp in holland and amsterdam.




  1. Not really i went to Amsterdam in 2003 and I saw little kids going into the places I was going to.

    Heck, the legal drinking age in Europe is 12 so that might tell you something about the country!

    Hope this info helped!

  2. Legal age for buying alcohol up to 15% is 16, for all alcohol is 18, in the Netherlands that is.

    Clubs do have their own age limits set.

    If the limits are set at 16 of 18 they are often rather strict with it, saving themselves the bother of checking IDs at the bar.

    If the age limit is set higher, like 21 they sometimes let in younger girls. (Not as often guys, but sometimes when they look the right kind of person for the club, them too.)

    The age limits in clubs are often set to get their desired kind of public in, rather than too young people who would not spend the same kind of money.

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