
Are the cops allowed to do this?

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i already explained this story but some people on here don't seem to understand... There was a fight outside in my neighborhood and everybody was outside watching....There were like six cop cars and 9 cops that came to stop the fight.... one cop came over and told everybody to go in the house.... Everybody was walking in the house and then he told us to walk faster... so i sed to the cop "how fast do u expect us to walk" then he kept saying just go in the after i got in the house i sed to my cousin "F**k these f**king pigs"... My cousin was about to close the door and the cop rushed through the door and dragged me out of the house..... wen i got to the police station the charged me with disorderly conduct..

Was he allowed to run in my cousins house in the first place?

Wat do u think that the judge will say wen i go to court?




  1. I would suggest for you to choose a trial by jury. Cops abuse their authority many times. Dress nice if you decide to go to court. Hopefully the jury has had a bad experience law enforcement as well and they will rule in your favor. You have nothing to loose. Just be as polite as you can.

  2. Most cops are cool, but some can be phucking assholezz as your situation clearly illustrated

  3. Yes they can do that,,,when you go to court, just tell the truth and let them know that you didnt understand why you were being rushed so fast,, If you dont get an attitude with them, they will let you off the hook,,And, if you can swallow your pride and appoligize,,that would be even better...

    The small town where I live,, my sis was on the phone with a cop who wouldnt do anything about her case, so she told him...Why dont you get on your donkey and go arrest the guy????she got charged with disorderl conduct and had to go to court....

  4. Yes, he's completely within his rights's to do so. If you want to mouth of to the police do it to there face's not when you think they can't hear.  

  5. yes he can, and the judge will find you guilty of disorderly conduct with no sentence and you'll have to pay the fine.  If you want to disrespect the police do it in private.  

    They are put in a bad situation with a fight, not knowing who has a weapon, who is hiding and they can't see, etc.  They don't need additional problems.  Its a hard job..../

  6. What will the judge say?

    "How do you plead?"

  7. It's against the law to do what you did.

    It is called Disorderly Conduct.

    The officer was legal, and right, to come into the house and get you and arrest you.

    Bottom line, you're pretty muck f**cked.

    Next time, keep your filthy mouth shut.

  8. Absolutely.Should of kept your mouth shut.

    Congratulations.You now have a criminal record.

  9. I doubt the cop will be reprimanded for rushing into your cousins house. Rationally, I don't think you should have been charged with disorderly conduct. You did as he asked and were in the house, and you spoke to someone else, not him. But, police and courts suck, so maybe the charges will stick.

    Good luck though.

  10. you should argue that he didn't have a warrant nor permission to enter your cousin's house.  the complaint that he was responding to had nothing to do with you, thus he had no probable cause.

    but, yeah, cops suck and are known for lying to cover their asses, so i would consider bringing written statements from witnesses and bring people with you that were in the house.

  11. "Guilty.  Thirty days."

  12. Unlawful entry, wrongful arrest, assault and thats just the Filth.  As for you, you did nothing wrong.  Tell the Fuzz to Fuzz off next time!

  13. dont listen to these people. you were venting to your friend aka that means your talking to him in your private housing and thats not to the police. in no way were you disorderly to them so you can sue away at them for multiple things. hope you get alot of money.

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