
Are the cubs going to win the 2008 world series?

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i love the cubs and i wonder if there`s a big chance




  1. Cubs vs Angels WS. We'll see what happens.

  2. they wont win the world series or even be in it because its going to be arizona representing the NL this year

  3. No with the additions the Angels did in the offseason, at the trading deadline and the fact the AL has home field advantage in the world series this year, the Angels are going to be the favorite going into the playoffs and will win the World Series.

  4. I'm sick of all these "Are the Cubs going to win the world series?" it's asked every freakin year.

    But to answer your question. Yes, there's a pretty good shot. The NL is not that strong, and the Cubs have been playing very good baseball. Would they be that good in the AL? I don't know. However within their respective league, they are def. the best team.  

  5. I heard Mike & Mike on ESPN Radio today say that there's never been so much good karma around this team and I totally agree. If you go to Wrigley these days, the atmosphere is different... people aren't holding their breath and waiting for the team to implode. They're really expecting to win it all. There are T-shirts everywhere that say Cubtennial (the 100 year anniversary since we won it all) and Our Year is Here. People really believe in this team and that there would no better time than 08 to win it again. I got my T-shirt at the link below.

    Go Cubs Go!

  6. Even though they have a good team, I still say they don't win the World Series & isn't this question asked everyday?

  7. They will need to find a way to beat Arizona in the playoffs because they don't match up well against them at all.  Hopefully the Dodgers will help the Cubs out and just take the division!!  No one in the AL scares me at all including the overrated Angels whom happen to be in the worst division in baseball.

  8. I think they have a good chance! =]

  9. I think there is a good chance for the Cubs to at least win the NL pennant and go to the World Series for the first time since 1945, but to win it is not going to be easy especially playing a team like the Boston Redsox or Anaheim Angels.

  10. Well there is a curse on the Cubs and it has been on them for about 100 years or something like that. A guy with two tickets took him and his pet Billy Goat and the guards won't let him in and the guards threw him out and he screamed " Cubs will never win a world series " and that world series the Cubs lost. If that curse never happened they could have a chance but Angels right now are dominate and they are looking for Gold and Rings.

    I'm not a cubs fan so i wish the worst. I'm a nationals fan and i'm mad that they were so close in the playoffs in 2005 ending up in second or third place so close into the Wild Card. Babe Ruth cursed the Red Sox but they broke that curse into winning there first world series in a long time which took place in 2004 and now they won in 2007. I think they won't make it to the World Series depending on how the Angels go because from right now Angels are in the World Series. Sorry this is so long but to end this answer i'm saying " Too Early To Tell Who Is In The World Series " but my prediction is Cubs vs Angels= Angels.

    Good Luck! Please vote or count as best answer.  

  11. I think they have a decent shot.

  12. It depends what you mean by 'big chance'. I agree with the person below who said there is a different atmosphere, a different swagger with the team and with the fans this year than ever before. Confidence can count for a lot in baseball.

    that said, calculates that as of today they have a 97% chance of making the playoffs. Let's say they're in.

    Once you're in the playoffs, anything can happen. It's why so many wild card teams (Angels, Marlins, etc.) end up winning the world series. So there's 8 teams in the big dance, which gives the Cubs roughly a one-in-8 shot of winning it all. Do you feel lucky?

  13. Nope.

    But we can be sure of one thing.  When they choke they'll find a goat or a goofy looking kid wearing glasses to blame it on.

  14. Yes!! No doubt!   GO CUBS!!!

  15. It's their year!.  They are so good offensively and defensively.

    And there is not another team in the majors that has the fan support that the Cubs do.  Sellout every home game, and when they're on the road, you see Cubs shirts all over the stands.  These fans are absolutely amazing, and they will get them there!!!!

    Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go, Hey Chicago Whatta ya say, Cubs are gonna Win today!!!!!!  

  16. What the h**l r u talking about arizona sucks. the cubs r without a doubt the best team in the majors arizona will be lucky if they even make it to the playoffs. As for the cubs winning the world series I'm not sure even being a cubs fan myself the angels and rays r awfully good.

  17. HA HA HA HA  Whew . Thanks I needed that . A good laugh is always the best medicine .

    The Cubs wow that was a good one .

    A hundred years .

  18. Too early to tell. As of right now, yes, as long as they win on the road.

  19. They have a shot but the METS will win  

  20. No

  21. They look good to at least win the NL.  

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