
Are the curries in Indian restaurants in the UK also served in India?

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Are the curries in Indian restaurants in the UK also served in India?




  1. no i think they are different  and more spicier in india . also i think some of the names of the dishes was created here rather than india.

  2. the curries in india are totally different to the ones we have in the uk. for a start a lot of the spices are too expensive for your peasent indian to buy, curries like tika masala or rogan josh would have only been eaten by the Raj and for special guests like visiting british diplomats, hence why they have come over to the uk. indian curries tend to be full of flavour and spice they can be hot but not in the same way that uk curries are ( where you can't taste anything other than heat) indian curries are full of flavour but it isn't something that poor indians eat

  3. I guess itz all same

  4. none, actually but some time owener of the Curries restaurants they have same business overthere. but not same management something like other family member run that business.

  5. yes but only if you go to an Indian Restaurant

    I found it very amusing on my last trip to Mumbai

  6. NEVER Visited UK hahahahah

  7. Yes they are....but I've been told by fellow Indians in the UK that the stuff they serve there is for the European taste - mildly spiced. The flavours in the food prepared n India will undoubtedly be much stronger.

  8. A big 'NO'. This is from a horses mouth, curries in

    UK are 'Europianised Indian curries'.

  9. the chinese food served in indian restaurants is no where near the orignal,but we like it that way & after all it is cooked for us,indians,stands to reason the english palate would never manage the spices that normally go into our curries.Do in rome.... sort of thing !

  10. Dont be silly. They wouldnt eat that c**p.

  11. Probably. They might be slightly different in India. I would of though that they would taste better in India.

  12. No they would be minging time they got there!

  13. No most of the curries sold here were made up for our market

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