
Are the dangers of Rio de Janeiro exaggerated?

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I am going to Rio for 7 days in a couple weeks with a girlfriend and am wondering if the fact that we're 2 women will make us much more susceptible to being robbed, etc. I am pretty cautious in general and know not to wear any jewelry, f***y packs, or have my camera around my neck but would like to know if I need to be at heightened alert or if I can act as I would in any major US city.




  1. Ok, this is exactly what i thought to myself when i was going out to visit my Dad in Rio as he works there!

    As the city is sooo large with millions of people living in it, it would be silly to say that there arnt many dangers, because i'd be lying. Like any other city, youve always got to keep your whits about you and keep your eyes peeled at all times.

    The thing is, with Rio, the whole government system is totally currupt meaning more crime and stuff so yes Rio is in a critical state.

    I dont want to put you off going to Rio because its by far the best place ive ever visited, but when i was out there i got talking to alot of people who were telling me stories about how in the past, theyd been mugged, robbed, and held at gun point etc... which scared the sh*t out of me! I heard a fact that on average 6 people in Rio are murdered each day. pretty scary stuff!

    But think about how many people live in Rio and what are the chances of that happening to you....pretty low i reckon! And this figure probably only includes the dodgy crack dealers in the favellas (shanty towns) etc... which you wont be visiting - unless your stupid!

    And as for your expensive items, its best not on have them on show, especially in night times. I think woman are definatly more at risk, as for any other city really.

    But saying all that, again just be aware of everyone around you, try not to actract attention towards yourself by walking around in a bikini all the time or having the camera round your neck! Please be safe, but most of all when you do go, enjoy it! I can garentee it'll be the best time of your life and thats an honest opinion!

    Hope that hasnt put you off too much and hope thats set your mind at rest!

    Mily x

  2. I live in the south of Brazil and I've never been to Rio.. but I know that everything ppl say about Brazil around the world is exaggerated except for the beauties you'll find here...

  3. be very, very alert when out - like maybe New York City. don't go off with strangers, drink too much or stray into strange areas.

  4. Definitely exaggerated.

  5. no, they really arent. when you are out in the streets, try not to look like a tourist, dont leave valueable items out  where the crooks can see them. dont wear expensive jewelery or talk on the fone. when indoors, like at the mall, the dangers subside and u CAN do all of the above

  6. I don't feel Rio is as dangerous as they make it out to be. Maybe in Rocinha, but if you stay out of the favelas it's definitely not any different than Chicago, Miami, New York or L.A. The city is BEAUTIFUL, and for the most part the people are very nice and helpful. However I went with family, and it did help having men around when out clubbing at night. However, I always go in August, and it's getting so close to Carnaval that I'd assume more tourists and thus more security in the area. Be smart, don't leave your drinks around the bar. The JW Marriott is VERY nice, and has good security if that would give you added peace of mind. Their beach area is always a bit more comfortable, as you aren't hassled as much by local vendors. Make sure you take the RADIO taxis when traveling, and NEVER bring your passport with you, leave it in the hotel. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to email me. Have fun, it's a wonderful place!

  7. yes ..

    just like the over exaggeration of the crime in New Orleans ..

    top city in the US for crime ..     lived here half my life .. and never experienced any crime .. neither has my family ..   why ?   .. b/c its mostly gang related ..   just like RIO ..   i've also never experienced any crime there..   (i'm 1/2 Brazilian)  ..

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful of course..    I tell anyone the same thing when visiting New Orleans or Rio ..    or any foreign city for that matter ..         dont walk alone ..   dont walk where its not lit at night ..  dont look flashy ..   dont swing your camera around for the public to see..   stick with the crowds ..   know where you are going  etc etc ..   other then being careful ..   you will have a f*cking blast !

    boa sorte

  8. rio de janeiro is very dangerous, don't walk at nigth alone in the streat, try don't use your camera around your neck, put in some pack, to don't look like a tourist.

    sorry my English , i am from brazil, and any  doubts, ask me by email.

  9. Just be street wise and use your commom sense as if you been in Miami.

  10. it alllllllllllll depends on where you go.

    and wat ever you do, dont tell them you live in america and make dollars....

  11. No they are not exaggerated...I have relatives that live there and I spent 3 months there. Very dangerous. I don't mean to ruin your trip but its very dangerous...try to blend in and not look like a tourist because the crooks there will take advantage of that.

  12. Its like any big city really. It has dangerous areas, The driving is worse than USA so be careful on the roads.

    I was in RJ for 4 weeks and I didn't see one crime!

    Just don't look like a tourist including speaking loudly in English or in that funny version of English Americans speak :P

    I would recommend talking to some Brazilians where your  staying to get some local knowledge

    And if either of you are Blondie watch out for the guys lol

    I'm going to Rio again 19/01 :D

    I will be safe I'm sure because I travel with my Brazilian friends. I am English but am also part Spanish so I look Latino.

    Enjoy your time in the beautiful city as will I

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