
Are the darwin awards a good thing?

by  |  earlier

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I know you think this is stupid but is it a good thing that some VERY stupid people leave the gene pool.

also if you can post examples of darwin awards handed out then please do so.

Darwin awards already won:

heating gasolene on stove because of fear that it would freeze




  1. The only problem I have ever found with them, is the misinformation. Most of them, are often exaggerated or later found to be false...

    I'd say of the ones I'd read for 2008, my choice was...

    (January 2008, Pennsylvania) A 23 year old man with various body piercings decided to see what it would feel like to connect his workplace test equipment to his chest piercings. Several co-workers tried to convince him that it was a bad idea to connect himself to the electronic control tester. He ignored their pleas and proceeded to connect two alligator clips to his piercings. He hit the test button...

    When the police and rescue personnel arrived, his co-workers were stiill trying to revive him with CPR and rescue breathing. They were not successful.

    It did not include drugs, alcohol nor offer any other excuse other then his own incompetence; and he had acted even in spite of warnings from co- workers, offering the common sense that he lacked.

  2. the first time i read about the awards, I puked from laughing so hard.

    My favorite was probably the one where the idiot was  cutting a hole in a concrete floor. He cut it around the middle, and fell 30feet to his death. - he was standing on the area he was cutting

  3. I believe they are.  We need to be exposed to the worst in human nature to more fully understand and appreciate the norm.

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