
Are the democrats going to give immunity for illegal surveillance and keep funding Iraq war?

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this is all about politics isnt it? Are they just thinking that republicans are so unpopular that the only thing they can hang their hat on now and maybe is the national security card, and that if the Democrats cave in on that then the republicans really have nothing to hang around their necks. But in the meanwhile they feel they can hang Iraq and the bad economy around the neck of Bush and republicans. Its really disgustingly all political. There is no the no longer the idea of actions based on principle and doing what is right.




  1. i don't know about the immunity, but they want to continue to fund the Iraq war for a very simple reason: It is a vital country in a very volatile area of the world. If we just pull out, it will be taken over by malitia's and terrorists, and will become even more of a threat than if Hussein had actually had WMDs. We stay because we invaded these people's land under false pretences (where are these WMDs after all?) and so we have  DUTY to stay and sort out the mess we got them into. Leave, you will open the world up to more terrorism, and less stability, and you will have left people in a terrible situation without a proper army or police force or government, after you took all that away from them - you can't go ruin someone's life, them just walk away without fixing it again.

  2. They will need to keep troops in Iraq, especially now that we are getting positive results and to keep Iran in place.  The surveillance to daye has not be illegal, so where you get that from , I don't know.  It has been approved by congress and court, so your editorail is incorrect.  Remember we have not be hit since 9/11. so yo tell me what you want to do tojprotect this country from radical islam who still wnat us dead.

  3. What 'illegal surveillance?'

    I bet you cannot even describe what requirements have to be met for this type of surveillance.

    BTW - the Democrats are between a rock and a hard place regarding Iraq.  At this point it is obvious that everything they have been saying has been wrong at best and treasonous at worst.  Why do you think the Democrats are trying to avoid the subject of Iraq recently?

  4. They will support our troops who are in Iraq for the wrong reasons. Not to do so would be as traitorous as sending them  was. Just another Bush s***w-up that somebody else has to fix, like the economy.

    If you read the Supreme Court decision concerning the rights of people held at "Gitmo", you will realize that it contains the words necessary to shut down all of Bush's unconstitutional executive orders and those ill advised laws crammed through by the Republican Senate and Congress.

    "The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times."

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