
Are the dems so frightened they have to send anthrax in the mail to McCain offices?.?

by  |  earlier

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This is low even for lib's. Trying to shut down offices so funds cannot be processed.




  1. since when did anthrax come in the mail to the McCain offices?

  2. This would be a really good point to raise if it had happened.

    If your candidate is really so superior to the opposition, let the truth be told and he will win. Don't make up stuff. It's beneath McCain and should be beneath you.

  3. To poncadave it's moron not moran.  To answer your question: If it was the Dems I would say it is because they have lost the lead & are getting worried.

  4. Yeah, they should just have gone in with a gun like the guy in Arkansas. Talk about low. Republicans have no resorted to actually murdering Democrats, and for what? God only knows...Psychos!

    VOTE OBAMA in '08!!  

  5. Strange how I haven't heard a whiff of this over the news wires.

    Are you sure your Fox News links are working?

  6. It's uninformed, believe all the republicans say, and watching tooo much Faux news that got us the splendid benefits of 8 years with an

    illiterate moran administration.

    Please!!!   do not vote on November 22.( the republicans day to vote.)

  7. Well, let's see here...Karl Rove was caught bugging his own office once in order to blame the opposition, and now some of Rove's staffers have begun to work on McCain's campaign....hmmmmmmm...  

  8. Gee, you aren't the sharpest tool in the drawer , are you? Why would you presume a Democrat sent white powder to McCain's Colorado office?

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