
Are the dutch carribean islands as exciting as the spanish-speaking ones?

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I wanted to know if going to dutch island would be less fun than going to the usual spanish-speaking islands, like Puerto Rico, La Republica Dominicana, and a couple others. I would like to experience Dutch culture, but will I be sacrificing fun in the process? I would also like to learn Dutch, so this will be a good learning experience.




  1. i was speaking to a lady today and she brought up the same sort of question  anyways she went to the dutch islands she had fun but she did happen to say that she felt it was a little more costly as well as the whole how do they treat vist,she put it this way a couple of years ago we went to cuba  and had a ball this year we took are trip a little early but she felt that they where not treated as good as  when they where in cuba those awhere her words not mine  anyways which ever place you choose iam sure that you will have a ball have a good vac,

  2. Nita, my advise is come to Puerto Plata - Dominican Republic, and I will speak Dutch with you.

  3. i have been to 2 dutch islands. no one really speaks dutch there...they know it but dont speak it...its all aruba its popiamento, but i could still understand it..

  4. I haven't been to the dutch islands but I do have friends that have gone. They had a wonderful time but honestly, the spanish-speaking islands are very differently. Not that the others don't love life, but there is a whole zest for life. For example, Cuba, Puerto Rico, DR are gorgeous geographically but especially people-wise. You are made to feel at home and welcome. They instantly know who they can make friends with because they can sense who is genuine and who is not. They don't cold 'cool or snobbish' just doesn't work there. They want to live, laugh, dance and sing, no matter what the hardships are...and if you join in with them and relax into the culture, it's even better. You are treated differently, in a very positive way.

    In Cuba, for example, they will bend over backwards to help you with whatever means they have. They don't take people and things for granted.

    And the fun in those islands is NOTHING like it!! You can't compare!

    If you ever can go to Cuba, you will see what I mean. You'll always want to go back again and again. The mentality is like Puerto Rico and the DR.

    But if you want to learn Dutch, then it's probably better to go directly to Holland. The Dutch islands (assuming it's Aruba you're talking about) don't really speak 'dutch''s Papamiento. But they also speak english and spanish.

    But I still think you'll enjoy Aruba. There's a lot of spanish influence there.

    It's your choice now.

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