
Are the earthquakes in Reno as bad as the media is portraying them?

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Are the earthquakes in Reno as bad as the media is portraying them?




  1. A few weeks ago we had a 4.2, a 4.0 and a 4.5.  Since then, everything is under a 4.0 and we're learning to live with them.

    My friend who lives close to the fault line, gets jolted awake on average once a night.  She's not even scared anymore...she goes right back to sleep.

    I live 15 miles from the fault, and I feel nothing.

    As usual, the media is trying to create panic and bring doom and gloom to the news.

  2. No. There's been no major damage, loss of life or injuries. The one in Wells was much worse because it reduced the central business district to rubble. The media is also off the mark when they put forth the notion that this "swarm" is a sign of a big one coming. If you look at the really big earthquakes in the West over the past seventy years or so you find that they happened along fault lines that had been pretty inactive for fifty years or more. The only place their "swarm theory" works is when the swarm happens around a volcano and the swarm is a precursor of a volcanic eruption.

  3. they were bad enough to interrupt gambling, and that says something.

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