
Are the environmentalists trying to get us killed like they did the Cavemen?

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Millions of years ago, there was a Neanderthal named Al Gorek. One day, Gorek noticed the ice was melting and receding. Although the Earth was actually in an ice age, and naturally, attempting to warm up back to normal, Gorek was convinced the Cavemen were responsible.

The Earth and nature are very remarkable, in that it take cares of itself, makes any adjustments necessary, heals itself, will use any resources to repair itself to normalcy, and will rid itself of anything that gets in the way.

But noooooooooooo. Gorek couldn't conceive of such a notion. That nature is more powerful than man, was unexceptable. Then, he convinced some of the simpleton Cavemen it was they causing this thing he called global warming. The use of campfires to heat the caves, cooking foods without environmental restrictions, and all that farting, was the real reason the ice was melting. Gorek warned them, that the big something up in the sky was angry. And if they didn't sacrifice their SUV's, er, I mean, virgin daughters, it would get them.

While Gorek himself continued to ignore his own warnings, a large number of gullible Cavemen took measures to combat this natural phenomenon. The problem was, Mother Earth was using the Cavemen to put elements into the atmosphere helping her warm up to her normal, natural state.

When Mother Earth found out the Cavemen had rebelled against her, she became angry (It's not nice to fool Mother nature) , and as she will do from time to time, she "deleted" the Cavemen from existence, never to be heard from again.

Being in an ice age today, and Mother Nature once again trying to warm up the globe, will she become angry with modern Neanderthal's that get in her way and rid herself of us?




  1. MOTHER EARTH is a reglion .

  2. No, and you have way too much time on your hands. Why don't you conserve some energy and turn off you computer.

  3. A couple plot holes in your story. The caveman didn't disappear, they evolved. Trading in an SUV isn't the same as human sacrafice. And mother nature cares about all it's creatures equally, so the habitat destruction that is causing massive species extinctions will be need to be retalitated against, so will Mother Nature wipe out human kind again?

  4. In fact why don't you conserve some energy, shut off your computer then stitch up your mouth.

  5. I hope so

  6. I Love it! And yes, the environmentalists are ruining our country because they are "Gorons" and know nothing other than to follow the sheep.

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