
Are the evolutionist open minded enough to study the claims and data of the creationism museum?

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or just denying any claim outside of your own is modern science. It seems many are running it down without seeing or studying the posibilites of any truth




  1. what data? post the link.

    Creationism is a series of metaphysical arguments.

    They should be stydied by philosphers, not biologists.

  2. Creationism are not following any scientific methodology, and therefore are not valuable as arguments against Evolution. I am sorry to say this, but I got a collection of about 500 fossils from around the world, and even got a snake with legs from 30million years ago from Guanghe plateau, and can tell you about Creationism, that you should go on an archeological site to really understand history as it is!!

  3. As a Catholic I do believe that God had his hand in creation, however, as an archaeologist I cannot ignore the scientific evidence that is out there.  In my mind I rectify this by saying humans are incapable of knowing what a day is to God (24 hours is a human construct).  What the creationism museum does is ignore any scientific research that is out there and goes on the assumption that everything in the Bible is correct, a book that has been translated and mistranslated countless times.  Creationist can't even fathom that maybe God allowed for us to have the knowledge of radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, other dating techniques that prove the creationist are flat out wrong!  Have they ever looked at stratigraphy of an excavation site?  Have they ever felt the bones of extant hominids?  The answer is NO.  They ignore decades nay centuries of research on the whim of a book.  A BOOK!  It is the scientist who are the ones that are opened minded to ideas.  By having the Creationist Museums fundamentalist christians are exposing their ignorance, selfishness, and hypocrisy.  All that shows their closed mindedness, not ours.  Among all the things God gave us, he also gave us a brain.  It is too bad that fundamentalist christians don't use theirs.

  4. Good point.  Most of them (at least that I have seen) are not.

    I love the circular logic often employed by evolution's proponents: no "real" scientist supports Creationism or Intelligent Design... because the minute a scientist expresses any doubt in evolution, he or she is no longer classified as a "real" scientist.

    As T. Wallace has said, "A major reason why evolutionist arguments can sound so persuasive is because they often combine assertive dogma with intimidating, dismissive ridicule towards anyone who dares to disagree with them.  Evolutionists wrongly believe that their views are validated by persuasive presentations invoking scientific terminology and allusions to a presumed monopoly of scientific knowledge and understanding on their part.  But they haven’t come close to demonstrating evolutionism to be more than an ever-changing theory with a highly questionable and unscientific basis.  (The situation isn’t helped by poor science education generally.  Even advanced college biology students often understand little more than the dogma of evolutionary theory, and few have the time [or the guts] to question its scientific validity.)"

    So why do so many people believe in evolution?  It’s simple, most people believe what they want to believe and they don’t want there to be a God. You see, if God created us, then He also owns us. If He owns us, then He has a right to set the rules by which we must live. If He has set the rules by which we must live, then we are accountable to Him. They don’t want to be accountable to God; they don’t want to be controlled.

    Are we the ones with blind faith? Where you there when something popped into existence from nothing and exploded? No, well do you see something pop into existence from nothing today? Were you there when non-living matter gave rise to life? No, well do you see non-living matter giving rise to life today? Where you there when single-celled organisms gave rise to many-celled organisms, when invertebrates gave rise to vertebrates, when ape-like creatures gave rise to man? No, well do you see it happening today? You have to believe that matter came into existence by itself and then arranged itself into information systems by blind chance. That is what goes against real science.

    As Dr. Jonathan Sarfati says, we need to quit calling evolution a theory; that is giving it too much credit. “Goo to you” evolution is an unsubstantiated hypothesis or conjecture, not a theory.

  5. Everything in the creation museum is a rehash of refuted concepts, some of which have been around since before Darwin. ( argument from design ). Science is not an institution; it is a method for seeking the closet approximation of the truth possible. Creationists are absolutist, who start with their conclusion, god, and try to fit the facts to the god concept. Scientist let nature supply the evidence. Show me something new in that 27 million dollar edifice to ignorance and I will consider it by the rules of evidence.

    Questioner. It is evidence, not belief that convinces us of the validity of evolutionary theory. I see you do not have the intimation of an understanding of that theory; just a lot of " hot air ".

  6. In Unitarianism, the followers accept the conclusion of evolution in scientific theory and do not make irrational attempts to bring religious ideas into the classroom.  We support a very strict separation of church and state.  If you want specifically Christian teachings, then go to a private school or Bible study.  I do support the teachings of Christianity and Judaism at the college level, and for some reason, we have little of this at our colleges here, but there is a lot on Islam.  For the sake of balance, since the Christian and Jewish communities have been here a lot longer, why don't they get courses?  What if someone wants to study classical Greek or Hebrew, the history of the Old Testament or Christian (Greco-Roman) philosophy?  There is a P.C. bias at school and I am not mentioning this because of any issue with Muslims.  Fair is fair.  It will create dissent, anger and favouritism.

  7. what you have to understand about evolutionists, is that many (like me) once beleived all of the bible stuff but after taking some science courses and EXPANDING our horizons did we come to the conclusion that it's wrong.

    u do know that the bible was written way after jesus and all his disciples were dead, don't you?  a ton of things between the "Beginning of time" and the convention where all the books of the bible were chosen (and meddled with), lots of things would have been embellished or forgotten.  basically, the whole creation story is just some geezers trying to explain what was in their time unexplicable.

    all religions were invented for one thing:  to make people behave.  some genius or other figured out that people are likely to sin if they have the fear of a h**l hanging over their heads.  WE are the gods of our world; it's just safer that we don't know it.

  8. The Bible is not a textbook.  You cannot derive science from scripture anymore than you can derive spiritual truth from a scientific journal.

  9. I try to be equally unfair to all points of view, but facts is facts, my friend, and the whole basis of "Creationism" is an attempt to fit the world to the Bible, and to "reinterpret" what science discovers to make it better fit scripture.

    God's first words for any creationists that make it to heaven are likely to be "So, I gather you thought I was too dumb to think of a mechanism as elegant as evolution, huh?"

  10. Evolutionists are open minded enough to study any data that is based in science.  Unfortunately, the creationist museum has no science, and falsely says there is evidence for its irrational claims.

    This is how science works: draw a theory based on evidence, and test that theory over time, with it subject to revision and falsification.

    This is how creationism works:  try to find evidence that only supports your claim, and present it in such a way that makes it look like science.

    There is NOTHING wrong with believing in creationism if you want to be ignorant, but DO NOT TREAT IT AS SCIENCE.  That is lying and deceiving.

  11. Some of us are

  12. Some are and some are not.  Some do not accept the ambiguous generalizations of the Bible to represent anything other than myth.  Others are the other way around.  To try to bind the two into one whole without maintaining respect for the lines that divide faith and belief with knowledge is to fail to understand how the finite and the eternal work together.  In that case why even try wasting time? Someone who  puts creation down sounds the same as one who puts down science in favor of creation.  They both miss the point.

  13. Posibility of truth does not make it true.

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