
Are the folks saying it'll be 10 yrs before we get oil from offshore drilling saying the same thing 10 yrs ago

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Sure seems like it!

Or is it another set of folks?

Does it matter either way? After all, at $4-$5 / gallon, the American people aren't going to put up with this nonsense much longer.




  1. Same people. its a poor excuse for not doing anything about the problem.

  2. I hate having to repeat myself so often on this subject.  It's not about the amount we'd get from new sources, is the amount we're getting from current ones.  The major issue is that we are only tapping into our current offshore oil supplies to about 10% of their capacity.  Rather than mindlessly wasting money and time drilling in other locations, why don't we try to make these locations actually efficient and worthwhile?  The fact that we dont is a testament to American wastefullness.

  3. Drillers say they can get hard oil in 6 years and Gulf coast in less than a year.

  4. Yes, it would be a minimum of 10 years. First they have to build the rigs, look for the oil, find the oil, assemble the platform, lay the is a long process. And of course we are going to put up with this nonsense, we are like crack-addicts regarding oil. What do you think, we americans are going to change our lifestyles? hardly.

  5. well,you just answered your own question.10 years ago the price of gas was like 1.99 a gallon. Im not saying not to drill,Im just saying its not gonna be instant relief...

  6. I think you meant "were the folks"

  7. I agree with you...the collapse of the economy is a few gallons away and then it will be the people in control(democrat congress) that will be held accountable...

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