
Are the frequent patrons of Starbucks going to fly into a rage once some of the stores start closing?

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  1. People need to load up the coffee with caramel and sugar because plain old coffee from Starbucks tastes like bitter **** to me.  Starbucks takes sub-standard beans and roasts them to death.  Then, they make up some b.s. story about the beans being grown from local farmers.

    I love the convenience of Starbucks, but the romance is obviously lost because they are like fast-food.  Actually, I take that back.  You can have a meal at McDonalds for what they charge for a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

    It's a recession, and most people aren't going to willingly spend  $4 +  on a cup of coffee.

  2. In my local area they are throwing coffee places into the gas stations but they are making o.k. stuff in a can.  Monster mean bean rulz.

  3. alright so to clear this up, baristas (starbucks employees like myself) are not losing their jobs. They are being relocated to other local stores. If they choose not to be relocated than that is their own business. Luckily my store is not closing, but one in my district is and we are all being affected by it. Many stores were built when the company's motive was to increase property. In the past few months corporate has redirected our mission and we are more concentrated on the coffee and our connection with the customers. Many of the stores that were erected during the past few years are the ones that are being closed due to a low profit margin. And to the people saying it is because people don't want to pay $4.00 for a cup of coffee, that's not it. Customers are loyal to their store. I see the same people every day that I work whether its raining, snowing, prices go up or down. People can pick on Starbucks all it wants but we will still be the greatest coffee company. Thanks.

  4. They may have to learn to drink coffee... instead of a halfdoublemochalattejavafrappegrande... or whatever the h**l they are ordering in there.

    BTW, Have you seen Jackie Mason's rant on Starbucks?

    Be patient through the first 2 minutes or so, then you'll be rolling on the floor... and it might give a few clues as to why the locations are closing... ;-)



  5. More than  likely, they are just gonna have to learn how to make coffee at home.=)

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