
Are the fruits of Gimelina Trees edible?

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Are the fruits of Gimelina Trees edible?




  1. I feel that there is a mistake in the spelling.

    If you mean that the name is =Gmelina and NOT Gimelina then only read further ==

    The root and bark of Gmelina arborea are stomachic, galactagogue laxative and anthelmintic; improve appetite, useful in hallucination, piles, abdominal pains, burning sensations, fevers, 'tridosha' and urinary discharge. Leaf paste is applied to relieve headache and juice is used as wash for ulcers.

    Flowers are sweet, cooling, bitter, acrid and astringent. They are useful in leprosy and blood diseases.

    In Ayurveda, it has been observed that Gamhar fruit is acrid, sour, bitter, sweet, cooling, diuretic tonic, aphrodisiac, alternative astringent to the bowels, promote growth of hairs, useful in 'vata', thirst, anaemia, leprosy, ulcers and vaginal discharge.

    The plant is recommended in combination with other drugs for the treatment of snakebite and scorpion sting. In snakebite a decoction of the root and bark is given internally.

    The above description is from wikipedia and applicable only to the species mentioned .

    The fruits of the above species are Edible .....

    EDIT = Yes in some literature the same plant is mentioned as Gimelina ( nonetheless it is incorrect usage )

    click on the link for incorrect usage =

    From = A Botanist

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