Water vapor constitutes Earth's most significant greenhouse gas, accounting for about 95% of Earth's greenhouse effect. Are the global warning experts ready to fight water vapor? I am sure that the average politician will sign on with the doom-sayers just to prove they care.
No more sweating, you better lose those extra pounds like you’re at Dr. Phil’s house - remember no sweating though.
Sweating equals warm and that is bad. Not sweating equals cool or cold and is very good. This is just regular ol’ global warming science without the misleading charts and meaningless complicated statistics.
Bathroom visits may be limited to 1 free visit every other day. Other visits will cost you a kidney. The extras will provide a great tax revenue for the government to set up even more pointless programs, so they can tax us even more. They pay for themselves, don’t they?
It is an obvious sign to us sceptics that global warning is kicking in when you tax us so urgently.