
Are the grave sites of all English Kings known? Are many buried abroad?

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Are the grave sites of all English Kings known? Are many buried abroad?




  1. I think most of them are buried overseas, in England most likely.

  2. Some pre-Norman kings' graves are not exactly known; there is a chest in Winchester Abbey where bones are mixed up.  Here's a list with the burial places:

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  3. =   Of course there is the dissapearance of the "Princes in the Tower" in 1483. The two boys, one of whom was King of England for 2 months were presumably murdered and there bones were hidden in the Tower of England.

    =    In 1674, some workmen remodelling the Tower of London dug up a box containing two small human skeletons. They threw them on a rubbish heap, but some days or weeks later someone decided they might be the bones of the two princes, so they gathered them up and put some of them in an urn that Charles II of England ordered interred in Westminster Abbey. In 1933 the bones were taken out and examined and then replaced in the urn in the vault under the Abbey. The experts who examined them could not agree on what age the children would have been when they died or even whether they were boys or girls. (One skeleton was larger than the other, and many of the bones were missing, including part of the smaller jawbone and all of the teeth from the larger one.).

  4. some of the kings and queens of the past are buried in westminster abbey and some of them are buried in the crypt at st pauls cathedral

    i know henry the eighth is buried at st pauls cathedral

  5. We know the grave sites of all English monarchs since William the Conqueror with the exception of Edward V, who disappeared and may have been murdered by Richard III.  most of them are buried in England.  I believe all monarchs starting with King John were buried in England.  Previous to John the monarchs had very sizable holdings in France that were often considered to be of more importance.  England was almost a secondary holding in the eyes of some of them.  (Richard the Lionhearted, for example, spent only 6 months of his 10 year reign in England)

  6. Henry II and Richard Lionheart are buried in Fontevraud Abbey, France

  7. Frogmore,St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, Winchester Cathedral,Sherbone Abbey,Westminster Abbey,Holyrood Abbey,St.Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London... foreign internments at Rouen Cathedral in France,Herrenhaussen Palace in can see an entire list at

  8. I don't know them all but they are known. None were buried abroad. Most are in Westminster Abbey in London.

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