
Are the greedy ones in charge destroying our National Parks?

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With all that is going on with energy prices, now Bush is talking about opening up Alaska's National Parks for oil drilling? What, does he have oil interests there too? Do you realize that if the trucking industry boycotted fuel and shut down for a week, the store shelves would be bare, the fuel reserves would be so vast that they would have to lower prices to sell the stuff? Just think if all industries that require fuel shut down for a week. ( airlines, taxis, buses fire departments, shipping, and more) The economy would fall apart. But people don't want to be inconvenienced so they don't have the guts to rebel against these greedy jerks. OK, I am done ranting now.




  1. Well, this happened with strip mining, and now there are regulations in place that require the land to be repaired. We need to find a solution to oil which is a substitute energy otherwise our economy and lifestyle are down the tubes. In the meantime we may have to tap that oil until there is enough momentum to convert to alternate energy sources and unfortunately it is not moving real fast right now. I belong to the Izaak Walton League so I support your concerns.



    Have you read the constitution lately ,i was told that Clinton had signed big chunks of them over to the UN ,

    Which is why There are so many foreign buildings now in the national parks  

    If you check the Presidents (plural) roots you will understand why and

    with whom , they are in cahoots,

    And it aint You baby

    ha ha

  3. yes they are opening up the national parks so they can send all ranters on y/a there.-blurey

  4. I can hardly wait to see how Hillary or Obama (should one of them get elected) will solve the energy crisis.  Bill Clinton didn't.   But all we hear about is how Bush hasn't.   If anything, the Dems will allow even less drilling.  What is your best guess as to how this might affect prices?

  5. Look at from the other side . If the oil Co. do not produce oil for a week. Just how long can you live without requiring anything from oil???

  6. The oil industry is big business that supports other big businesses.  Everyone lobbies together so their way of life is assured.  The parks are there "for us to use."  And so they will if these politicians get their way.

    Really, it's all in the hands of the consumer.  The little people are in charge.

    We all think that drilling in the national parks is out of the question, but we run our SUVs all over the country side like it isn't in our hands.  It's up to the consumer to make all of this go away.  If we didn't provide a market, how could the greedy folks who plan to "take what they want" make a living???

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