And can you have them accomidated? My son is 6 years old and this will be his first year enrolled in the school system. He has a life threatening disease and has a very complex medicine schedule consisting of 4 and a half hours in the morning starting at 9:00 am and then he takes a 3 hour nap and then at night he has the same 4 hour med. regime. He cannot be exposed to viral nor bacterial infections because they can land him in the hospital. He wears diapers, cannot feed himself, cannot tell you when he needs diaper changed, and is mentally impaired. He is socialized, he plays many days with my niece and nephew and also takes frequent trips to a convenience store across from our house. Most children with the disease he has start to regress when exposed to the school environment (sickness going around) so I want to avoid this as much as possible. Thanks so much for your help.