
Are the ice caps really melting?

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i just saw a 30 seconds to mars music video and it said something like every year ice the size of texas and california are disappearing (that may be wrong). is this true?

i think al gore said the same thing in his little movie. this is crazy! why are the governments so stupid and not doing anything about this? we're gonna have another iceage coming because of it and i hate cold.




  1. Yes it is true the ice caps are melting.Like in a while the Atlantic ocean will be bigger then the Pacific.Since all the ice is melting.I don't think we are going to have another ice age though.Then from all the water the continents will rise with the water

  2. Yes. As a result of global warming. Nearly the entire scientific community is in agreement on this fact. The people who say otherwise are watching too much Fox news.

  3. Actually snow doesn't reflect the sun the same way water does.  Snow in every aspect does not absorb sun rays barely at all in fact.  Al Gore talks about the ROSS ice shelf in the (Arctic Ocean) in particular he does not speak about Antarctica or the the arctic as a whole.  The Arctic ice shelf as a whole is actually GROWING and has been since the mid 1970's,  either way you look at it, it's a double edged knife and it really does not matter which side your on.  Just that you pick a side.  It's all a bunch of c**p as far as any one should be concerned EVERY environmental scientist has a theory that's why they become scientist.  Just about every theory out side of the fact that past history shows ice ages and warm periods can be debunked.  It's kind of funny to hear environmentalist (NOT ACTUAL SCIENTIST) talk about the environment,  because the mass majority of them only go on what some body else has told them instead attaining a degree in that field and doing the research them self I snicker about it all the time!!!

  4. I wouldn't consider Al Gore's work "a little movie". He has brought to light a serious problem that many politicians and businessmen want to quash because it would cost them money to resolve the problems. His work has been recognized by scientists worldwide and as a result was awarded the Nobel prize.

  5. The ice caps are melting. i do not believe that we are causeing global warming to the effect that Al Gore does but we are most certainly aiding to the natural problem. The size of the ice caps that we have have been noticed that they have been melting. The ocean levels are on the rise. i am no fan of Al Gore by anymeans but I do go with him on this aspect.

  6. Well, the bad news is yes, the ice caps are melting and really at an unimaginable speed.( Dun want to elaborate on how terrifying this is.) for the second part of the question, the government is not "stupid", the reason that they are shaking their legs is not because of a lack of intelligence, though I must agree they have very successfully displayed and emphasized on their low sense of IQ, but other things like the economical impact and other stuff must also be taken into consideration but I would rather someone told them there would be no such thing as economics once the Earth is submerged and they should learn how to swim first and then try to figure out a way of how to stay afloat and discuss politics.

  7. well apparently they are.. but whose to really really prove that..

    live life to the fullest..and enjoy...whatever happens happens..

  8. scintists don't lie they don't try to cause chaos they just want us to become more green cause no crops no living animals no living animals no us so u might think it woun't happen to u but the choices just you make could effect the whole world ........................................... about that  :d

  9. With a Master's Degree, the one thing you really learn is that there is a lot ( A LOT) of research out there. You can pick and choose to prove any point.

    In your two paragraphs - if the polar caps are melting - why will we have another ice age? Doesn't that mean it gets colder? while melting?

    Also NOTE: Gore will not debate anybody - just spout off his beliefs.

    And more than half the world's scientists believe the temperatures fluctuate NORMALLY - so if thoses STUPID people aren't concerned - why should we spend three TRILLION DOLLAR$ to possibly (POSSIBLY?) affect the temperature by 3/4 of ONE degree???

    And for the last 7 years - the temperatures have been COOLER - the ice caps may be melting due to volcanic activity UNDER them - note - it is only certain sections where it's melting.


    Alternative GW thought - world population?

    1800 = 900 million

    1900 = 1.6 billion

    2000 = 6 billion

    2005 = 6.5 BILLION

    nah - that could not be a reason


    when I was 16  - I knew everything

    when I was 50 - I knew how much I did not know

    all the best

  10. First of all, I would like to say that many people here have a lot of good points.  Good but NOT complete points.

    The issue is very complex and hardly easy to describe in 1 or 2 sentences.  There are also many false statements or partial information passed on from both camps (pro and anti).   Lastly, the news media is the WORST place to get your facts.

    Okay, now back to your question.  

    Yes, the ice caps are melting.  But that is a cyclical thing.  If all the artic ice melt, then ocean would NOT rise a inch.  Why?  because when the ice melt in water, it doesn't change the level of the water.  However, the problem is that many ices in the Northern hemisphere are melting.  That is the problem.  Ice in Alaska, Canada, Glacier National Park are retreating.  If you look at those glaciers from photos taken 100 years ago at the same place approximately the same time of year, they are far smaller.  That is the major concern of people.  As those ice melt (land ice), they will rise the ocean level.  Not to mention frozen lakes that release Methane gas which is far worse global warming gas than CO2 or frozen permofrost.

    Now, why doesn't government do anything?  Because it is a "PUBLIC" problem.  That is where democracy sucks!  People are selffish.  Fixing this issue cost a lot of money.  It is a PUBLIC problem for the world, but why should any one country fix it?  So, it is a "common" resources that we are taking without doing anything about it.

    Ice age will be the final result.  But by then, the world population will probably shrink by 95%.  So, equator would still be as warm as Alaska in the summer.

  11. actually it would take hundreds of years for the ice caps to melt inclueding greenland. This isn't just some over night thing you know its a long and slow process even if u add more heat

  12. It's called WINTER and SUMMER....The Antarctic grows and shrinks by 50% or more every year. Al Gore used special effects from "the day after tommorow" because there is no real footage of what he was trying to describe.

  13. well maybe not that way but they are melting and because of them melting the water level is going up

  14. Yes they are. It's called summer. Sun tends to melt ice. Although some caps may be melting the closer to the center ice is actually growing.

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