
Are the intelligence services the real "DRUG LORDS" ?

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The intelligence sevices ( C.I.A and M.I.6 ) have long been suspected of running the drugs trade.95 % of the heroin in Britain comes from Afghanistan.I'm sure the figure for the U.S is similar.The Taliban would regularly go out and burn the poppy fields whenever they found them.As a result production was drastically cut.

Since our troops have been there,production has gone through the roof.Our armed forces are being told to ignore this,as it's not worth alienating the farmers who have no other source of income.

Is this a cop out?...or is this why we're really in Afghanistan?




  1. i believe the CIA is esp in Afghanistan the bin ladin hunt is just a front for them to get there hands on the heroin the country grows :)

  2. Its all a part of control!

  3. Forgot to take your pills today..didn't ya.

  4. YES !! I'm sure we could stop Drugs if we wanted to.

  5. drugs are a good thing for some people

  6. This is just more nonsense from cowards.

    Yes, cowards.

    The people who make up this sort of drivel know that they are safe because the people they are slandering cannot defend themselves because of secrecy rules.

    Simple common sense should clue you in to this.  Think about it:  People who are involved with drugs or other forms of illegal activity cannot get security clearances.  Thus people with security clearances tend to be law-abiding and anti-drug.  When you fill organizations such as intelligence agencies wit these types of people you create a 'corporate culture' that is anti-drug and intolerant of illegal activities.

    Edit:  They get their funding the same way any other US government agency does - money allocated by Congress.

    Let me guess - you are a non-American who has no clue about how the US government appropriates money.

    BTW - I take it you are not aware that your heroes the Taliban are financing their operations with opium money?

  7. I don't believe the current intelligence services control the drugs trade, at least not since the days of the CIA involvement in SE Asia around the time of the Vietnam War. They're probably too busy trying to reduce the amount of oil that goes missing from Iraq, anyway.

    Recent failings and data loss brings that old joke about Military Intelligence being a contradiction in terms into focus once again.

  8. Its the price of doing business....  Support the CIA - keep the cost of cocaine down; NATO helps the KLA - Heroin all over europe is less expensive; US & NATO in Afghanistan -> supply chain to the KLA is nicely oiled.

    Its all a game - and we are the collateral damage.

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